/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./
2 min readSep 19, 2016


Trains, Trykes, & Tracking Treps on their Trips. | The Social t+/inK , August 15, 2016

“Creating a blog, and having to maintain it”, is not a new chapter in most treps’ playbook, but have been levelled up from vlogs to live video streams with the advent of Facebook, Twitter video, Periscope & the advent of really good in-café public wifi or personal device mobile bandwidth nowadays.

If your business borders around demos, and the making of videos becomes mission critical, showing online presence in real-time to build a better, or more global network, makes the seasonality of tools central to staying current.

Some blogs are about a specific event marketing, product launch, time-sensitive blast for a sale, or a non-profit campaign’s PR tempo. When these are more lifestyle-specific, your messages may get blurred in the scurry of undefined or mobile-demographics that the current analytics bots are formulating. When it does not compute, the SEOs or the tags in your meta-data crawled, an actual person will need to read it, and actually make it part of a category where it can be panned as first being entertaining, and information-crucial, second.

So read up on the Tryke•dot•Mobi blog coming up next: mostly for Creatives, mostly for personal use to extend my resident alien imagination and establish it firmly on (web) paper. And testament to that life of the whacky, crazy off-colour world of advertising creatives plus design turned rogue coffee addicts (or what has now become of their off-office consumption of said beverage). Tweeting at @Trykedotmobi for mostly travel environments, and mostly collaborations in the local to global space, and mostly from cult-lauded cafés (a Foursquare-apprehended data).

Meanwhile, in the goth goth country of workspaces, i blog about finding local as well as global Startups in their natural environments. I check them out with my media scope, and find what greases their tiny but fast wheels. The findings to this parallel study, deposited in a more publicly collaborated blog space in Medium.com — under ¡TrepTrips!, tracks the visibility of Treps, in their space other than the communal event spots we meet up in, but rather originate or amalgamate our creations in: their drawing boards. Also, tweeting at @TrepTrips for a better understanding on community definitions, hilarity, jargon, occasional buzzwords, and getting on the same page, something very useful in fruitful conversations in Trep Cities everywhere.

Follow me in the X, the crossing & intersection of Treps X Creatives.

Originally published at thesocialthink.mobi.



/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./

Editor + AppFndr, SocialTech • Designed/Fndr: Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs • /thésocialapothékær/ '14 • つまらない • aboutme: @kristinmdasho • IG: kristinmdasho