Informator + Leetspeak = A Knowledge Sharing Partnership

Marcus Mazur
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2017

Having Informator as a partner for Leetspeak is a natural collaboration. Informator are an education and training company specialising in software development and agile methodologies for all roles, and have been in the game for almost 30 years.

Much like Leetspeak, Informator strive to deliver quality in regards to sharing knowledge. Much like the previous locations for Leetspeak, Informator have offices in Stockholm, Malmö and Gothenburg — this partnership was just meant to be.

It’s fantastic to have a partner like Informator on-board that are an advocate for continous learning and self-development. We are thrilled that — through their support — we are able to continue our mission to expand Leetspeak as a larger knowledge platform, and together support the developer community.

If you want to find out more about Informator, about their education and training programs, then don’t forget to come and say ‘hi’ to them at Leetspeak in a couple of weeks’ time.

