Introducing the final lineup for Leetspeak

Madeleine Schönemann
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2017

You know what they say about Swedish summer — it’s the best day of the year. Since this summer has so far brought us more rain than sunshine, the speaker committee has been spending our time finding incredible speakers instead of hanging out at the beach. The result is a lineup that we are very proud to share with you.

First out we want to announce Justin Nel, who is a full stack developer and maker on a mission to help educate young developers to help grow the industry of tomorrow. He is previously known for educating kids with electronics for many years at the Brighton Mini Maker Faire. As a person who learnt to code before he could ride a bike, he continues to learn more every day since.

We are also very honored to have Nathalie Ek with us. Nathalie has been a gamer since the Swedish release of the NES console — her entire life that is. From NES princess to professional Counter-Strike player, she now works at one of the world’s best game studios, EA DICE, making games for a living. With a M.Sc. in Media Technology and Engineering, she’s a unicorn — making the full circle by designing, implementing and scripting her ideas into the game.

Our final speaker is also a seasoned developer who wrote his first line of code already in 1977. Introducing Richard Campbell, whose career has spanned the computing industry both on the hardware and software sides, development and operations. Today he is a consultant and advisor to a number of successful technology firms and is the founder and chairman of Humanitarian Toolbox, a public charity that builds open source software for disaster relief. Richard is also the host of two podcasts: .NET Rocks! and RunAs Radio.

This year we have been focusing on creating a conference with a wide range of topics and we are really glad to have six different speakers that will give their point of view on how we can build for the globe.

See you in Stockholm in October!

