Leetspeak 2018 — it’s a wrap!

Marcus Mazur
Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2018

It’s about a week since we (finally) got Leetspeak 2018 underway — and what a day we had! We were about on par with 2017 attendee wise, but it was physically the largest Leetspeak in Leetspeak history! By the looks of it you guys — the attendees — were very satisfied with both the sessions and the conference; about 90% voted green, about 10% voted yellow with 0% voted red when we counted the votes for Leetspeak 2018. Thank you so much for the feedback — we really do love feedback and encourage it! Please do feel free to get in contact with us to let us know what could be improved upon, what you’d like to see more (or less) of, or perhaps you have an idea that you’d like us to try out at the next Leetspeak. Don’t hesitate in dropping a line to leetspeak@tretton37.com.

To recap, this year we let go of the old tradition of working around a theme and worked around a tagline; the tagline was Hardcore Tech. Now, this can mean many different things but the general outline was to get the leading speakers within their subjects to come and share their wisdom with you. Together with the speakers, we dove into everything from the technologies that are involved when we send a text message, to completely debunking our understanding of what a variable really is. We got the chance to see the new and exciting capabilities that are found in the .NET space, and how to build applications that are reliable, secure and capable of scaling to meet our needs on demand. A lot of insight was gained regarding how we can achieve efficiency by managing flow, especially when we are working as a group instead of as a team of individuals. Of course, it is not always about the new and shiny things, some things stand the test of time and we looked back at how the S.O.L.I.D principles are still relevant in the work we do each day.

In social media we trended at the number 1 spot in Sweden with #leetspeak, so a big thanks to all for sharing the word of Leetspeak in that vast old Twittersphere. There was also plenty of action in the other Social Media forums, with some great pictures popping up on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Let’s not forget about the amazing Kidspeak which was held parallel to Leetspeak. Around 25 kids gathered to explore coding using the micro:bit platform together with our mentor ninjas. This year we created a brand new experience with custom learning material, custom circuit boards and custom micro:bit cases in the form of a ninja! Not only did we learn to code, we also got the opportunity to be inspired by 12 year-old Willow Rendle taking the stage and live coding at Leetspeak. A day filled with learning and laughter — just as it should be!

The day then wrapped up with an after-party at the venue where none other than one of the speakers — Dylan Beattie — played some of his greatest parody hits such as; “You Give REST a Bad Name” and “Enterprise Waterfall”. It was the perfect way to wind-down and end the day on a high.

“There is an I in Organiser but not in Team” — yes it’s a cliché, but it really is true. There is a whole team behind Leetspeak, working together for a year to make sure you guys feel that the Saturday you spend at Leetspeak feels worthwhile. The Leetspeak team consists of around 25 people whom many of you don’t even notice, because they are ninjas — conference ninjas. These ninjas make sure to put together that “smörgåstårta” which in the end becomes Leetspeak. They do it with pride, and they do it for the community. Of course, we couldn’t have done this without the backing of tretton37, who are not only the founders of Leetspeak but also our main supporter of this initiative since day one, and this is our way to show the community that we care. Because we really do.

Make sure to keep an eye out for the session videos, post-Leetspeak movie and pictures from the conference!

So, that’s it for this year — thank you for being a part of Leetspeak — hope we meet again soon!

It’s a wrap — Squirrel!

