Who and what to expect at Leetspeak 2019!

Marcus Mazur
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2019

Now, before we announce the names headlining Leetspeak 2019, we’re going to give you a quick rundown of what to expect this year.

For those of you who are familiar with Leetspeak, you’ll know that it has always been a single track, one day conference with six one-hour sessions. We’ve remained true to that layout for the past eight years — well, except for one year where we attempted seven sessions in one day — however, this year the format of Leetspeak is changing slightly…

This year we’re trying something new, something we believe will make Leetspeak even better than ever. First of all, we’re freshening things up by going from six 1 hour sessions to five — something we believe will make the day more dynamic. These five sessions will be split into four awesome presentations by our main speakers, and one panel debate session. We are still sticking to the concept of being single track — I mean, it is Leetspeak, let’s not go too nuts! However, for those of you who simply can’t get enough knowledge, we are introducing something called “Campfire Sessions” in the newly extended half-hour breaks. Now, what is a Campfire Session you might ask yourself? Well, imagine hanging out by a campfire, listening and interacting with the speaker and the session. Pretty cool, huh?! These sessions provide a more intimate and relaxed way of filling your knowledge quota.

So, without further ado, let’s give you the rundown on the four fantastic names that will be taking to the hallowed Leetspeak stage this year;

First, all the way from the US and Microsoft, we have the very talented Jen Looper. Jen is a developer with 18 years’ experience. She has a passion for hardware hacking, mobile apps, Vue.js, machine learning, and discovering new things every day. You might have seen her explaining AI with the help of Mixology.

Next up, and also joining us from the US, is Eric Wastl. Eric is a software engineer with over 15 years of professional experience in software engineering, software architecture, web development, security, system administration, maths, developer education, and mentoring. But you’ll most likely recognise him as the creator of ‘Advent of Code’.

We are also especially proud to announce that one of our own colleagues at tretton37, Daniel Hindrikes, will be taking the Leetspeak stage. Daniel regularly produces the podcasts ‘App In The Cloud’ and ‘The Code Behind’, and is also co-author of the book; ‘Xamarin.Forms projects’. As if that wasn’t enough, he’s also a Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies.

And — last but certainly not least — we are thrilled to welcome Lena Wiberg. Lena is based in Stockholm and has been in the IT-industry since 1999, where she started off as a developer. In 2009 she decided to take the step into testing full-time and has never looked back. During the past decade, Lena has held most roles related to testing. Currently, she is working as a consultant manager at Lemontree, a company specialising in testing, RPA and DevOps.

So there you go! 4 top notch names — Jen, Eric, Daniel and Lena — and some new things to get you even more excited for Leetspeak 2019. Not long to go now, and we truly look forward to seeing you in October.

