EulerBeats by Treum Announces OG DAO Giveaway to 700+ Addresses

Tyler Mulvihill
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2021

The team has a long history of crypto “firsts.” With the recent success of we were looking for ways to say thank you to the folks that have continued to support the project from when we had ZERO twitter followers until now.

So, we are incredibly excited to announce that we are going to give one of the Originals of the Enigma launch to a community created and owned DAO made up of Genesis Original and Print holders + 67 “early bird” addresses that missed out on the first set of Originals.

Below is the official OG DAO Requirements that were shared on our Discord.

Discord Annoucement made on March 18th, 2021


The EulerBeats team is planning to give away one original Enigma token to a DAO to be created by EulerBeats Genesis supporters for their benefit. The membership of that DAO will be composed of Genesis token holders as of Ethereum block number 12027000 (Mar-13–2021 12:36:33 AM +UTC) and the 67 addresses on the “Early Birds List.” The Early Birds List is a set of addresses that attempted and couldn’t buy an original at EulerBeats Genesis launch.

This document outlines the parameters, timelines, terms and conditions to facilitate the creation of a DAO and one Enigma original token transfer to such DAO.


The focus is placed on fair membership and voting rights at the launch of the DAO, and leave the DAO creation and evolution in the hands of the members.

Development of Proposal: Criteria and Mechanics

  1. The community must develop a single DAO proposal to receive the reserved Enigma Original. The proposal should demonstrate the stated intent.
  2. The proposal must specify the steps that the EulerBeats team must take to transfer the ownership of the ERC-1155 token that exists on the Ethereum mainnet into the DAO.
  3. The community must perform a mock test of the transfer process and demonstrate the results of the test to the EulerBeats team.
  4. The proposal must be submitted via Discord. The proposal must demonstrate that at least 20% of the members voted in support of the proposal. The number of favorable votes must be greater than the number of opposing votes. The number of abstain (no votes) votes will not be counted.

Membership of the DAO

  1. Addresses that hold a genesis print or original tokens as of Ethereum block number 12027000.
  2. 67 addresses that were impacted at Genesis launch (if they are already in the print holder list they will not be double counted).
  3. DAO membership at launch must include only the qualifying addresses listed above.
  4. At launch all DAO members (addresses) will have equal access and share allocation in the DAO. Each address gets 1 share in the DAO. One account is one vote. All addresses must have equal voting and ownership rights.
  5. EulerBeats team will provide a list of such addresses.

Deadlines and Milestones

  1. EulerBeats team will not review proposals before the Enigma launch.
  2. The community members must present a DAO Proposal to the EulerBeats team no later than April 30, 2021, 11:59 pm ET
  3. May 30, 2021, 11:59 pm ET for proposal finality and DAO creation.
  4. If the above conditions are met as determined by EulerBeats in its sole discretion, EulerBeats will start the transfer ownership process of the Enigma token to the DAO.
  5. If the community reaches the milestones listed above sooner, then the EulerBeats team will move up the token transfer date.
  6. If the community fails to self-organize or meet the deadlines or the conditions outlined, EulerBeats reserves the right to handle the reserved token as it sees appropriate.


  1. Keep the DAO simple
  2. Choose a DAO structure that is in use. E.g. Moloch DAO, Aragon DAO
  3. Use an existing platform instead of building something from scratch
  4. Look for DAOs that have efficient methods to distribute to many addresses E.g.,


Please note that no legal obligation is being created hereby to the contemplated DAO, to any of its members, to any of the owners of the identified 67 addresses or any other party. This is an experiment to evaluate if the identified addresses see the value of coordination being higher than the cost of coordination and organize themselves to receive the reserved original token. EulerBeats reserves the right to change the terms or abandon this experiment at any time without cause or notice. EulerBeats will not reimburse or be liable for any loss including but not limited to cost, time or effort incurred by anyone in the context of this experiment.

