Brandon Person
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2016
Soon to be former First Lady, Michelle Obama…not the aformentioned writer for Los Angeles Times.

I Don’t Have A Catchy Title: This Wasn’t Even Suppose To Be A Letter.

Here’s a letter that was originally suppose to be in the comments section of an L.A. Times article. I was responding to the writer, Michelle Maltais

Thanks Los Angeles Times

Honestly I dont know what to say. I work in a school and young people that I have repoire with could visibly tell that I was upset. I guess one of the boys couldn't understand how you could vote physically vote and actually NOT vote for a president at all. Which I didn't. My soul is weary to say the least. I guess you could say I haven't been a U.S. citizen in quite a long time. I had said a year ago that it Trump became the U.S. 45th President I would move to Brazil or something.

Well the unthinkable happened. And no, moving to another country is not feasible. So what the duck do I do. I am so frustrated and I feel pigeonholed and stuck. In what other country does a person of his stature, political and ideological belief ACTUALLY get elected.

I'll tell you where. Here. The United States Of America.

I guess I should be happy. Maybe it proves that I live in the most unique country in the entire known world. Seeing as you can run, campaign and win an entire election and not be in the least qualified nor concerned about the people you supposedly represent and still be a world leader. Albeit in the largest platform in the universe.

Well Mr.....ugh President I guess you can be happy. You've officially had everything. Millions. Billions. Now because of that He can lead millions. Which in no way means that I plan to follow nor support him. But then I guess it doesn't really matter.

I don't really have any money. So he will never know my name, what I represent or my family ties. I'm weary and flabbergasted. I'm sorry Michelle. For this unintended long letter.

I just had and still have loads on my mind.

My name is Brandon. I am an American…and my whole being is weary.

We’re all weary.

Heavenly Father help us. All of us.



Brandon Person

Believer. Content Creator.💡 Idea guy. Founder, @trewfixtion Memphis born/bred Author of Lights Camera Journal