A small Indian tech company is solving a 100-Year-Old problem with its unique platform — Trexa

Trexa eForm
Published in
6 min readJul 20, 2018

The challenges plaguing in the unexplored market are many but desire to be the best in industry matters. Trexa is solving some of the biggest, nastiest problems our industries were facing due to lack of complete solution.

At a Glance

Startup: Trexa eForms

Founder: Mukesh Lagadhir

Year it was founded: 2017

Where is it based: Gujarat

The problem it solves: Trexa eForms aims to solve the decade-long issue by removing the dependency of paper from businesses, provide coherent technology to make processes smooth with and generating data analytics

Sector: Information Technology

Mukesh Lagadhir — CEO of Swayam Tech Lab takes us through his journey — from setting up software service firm in India and venturing into product development to explore the new opportunities and experience with revolutionary platform Trexa — Digital Document Solution. He was told there is no ‘future’ in saving a few papers by making them digital. He was warned that the struggle to persist will be doubled if he put all his effort into a business where the paper is inevitable.

Information on paper is the 100s-Year-Old industry where we still rely on papers even in the digital age. We still use paper in various processes like form filling, documents, and approval. Paper and printing cost is much higher and companies still doing this due to less explored possibility of paperless technologies or limitations of existing solutions.

We firmly believe that technology has potential to replace paper and save nature, while making processes more efficient then paperwork. Using the technology we see the future where the paper is obsoleted and we are helping in shaping that technology — says Mukesh Lagadhir — CEO

Challenging the Status Quo

Papers are hundreds of years old and it’s in our DNA now and we feel insecure now if someone tries to remove it. Whether it is the legal document, bills, various forms or even a bus ticket. We fill secure when we have a printed version. We faced this as a major issue when we have interacted with various customers. And to design the solution this was the major obstacle for the team to make users comfortable with the solution. The unique idea we have come was by the quote “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” — and by following same we have designed the solution so we can give the same LOOK & FEEL of the traditional paper form designs which user will have in their mind.

Our platform helps you convert paper forms, pdf forms and document processes paperless, efficient, and automated by making them digital. Deploy to internal teams or customers on the web or mobile and efficiently collect and analyze your data on an interactive dashboard.

What makes it different from others market-leading solutions that it provides a complete solution to the bigger problems of adopting the digital solution for replacing the papers. While many of the eForm solutions on the market are disruptive and don’t account for different business needs, We have designed the complete platform for all the businesses from small scale to large scale.

Our customer orientated focus and problem-solving nature has helped us in putting together different business needs into one single package. We have worked with hundreds of small business owners to understand their challenges, unique needs and how they use the forms in a day to day life to make the platform perfect. Every business uses and processes forms differently but the underline approach is the same and we are able to standardize that approach to target every business need.

Tackling the challenges

Some of the biggest problems these industries are facing is creating new forms, assigning those forms to different kind of users like field engineers, surveyors, marketing teams and collecting all the information on the central place for processing and approvals, and generating meaningful insights over these data. We have combined all these problems, locked our self with these issues for weeks and designed a solution over the year of time to make solution supreme.

How does the platform work?

We have made the overall process very smooth from creating forms, distributing among teams and gathering data. Our powerful designer will enable the user to upload their existing paper form or pdf form, make it digital form using the drag-and-drop interface and distribute it to teams. Empower mobile user to capture form data digitally from anywhere whether they are online or offline. We have a fascinating mobile app for iOS and Android to easy the create, edit and submit documents from anywhere. All the data will be stored in the cloud and the intuitive dashboard will allow you to turn data into visual charts.

The benefits of our customers got was

  • Reduce errors, increase the accuracy of information and improve data quality through validations.
    • Reduce form filling time and provide ease of form filling
    • Avoid lost data
    • Speed up the internal work processes
    • Eliminate data entry re-typing
    • Reduce the costs associated with form printing and handling
    • Make documentation and information easier to share
    • Stored data can be used for further analysis
    • Integration with other systems
    • Save space on filing
    • Helps the environment by eliminating paper
    • Keep information more secure
    • Easy accessibility via web and mobile
    • Allows document sharing for editing or signature
    • Offline editing on mobile application
    • Advanced searched capabilities over the form data and Analytics
    • Document approval process

Market and the metrics

Currently, the firm has close to 20 employees in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Trexa has achieved many milestones from idea of the platform to completion of the platform and securing many clients in just a few months of launch.

Mukesh says, “The current marketing focus is some of the well-developed countries and regions like USA, UK, Germany, Japan, France right now. We are also looking forward to the Indian market in the near future as digital age becomes more popular over the days here.

Competitors and differentiating factor

As far as digital document business like eForm and approval process is concerned, there are many competitors like Adobe Forms, Wooform, Jotform, and Seamlessgov. But Trexa goes beyond just providing eForms and distributing them to users.

Unlike other platforms where the user can just create forms and get data by filling the forms, we have curated and standardized marketplace where we allow the user to keep their beautiful forms visually as it is and make them digital. Our mobile apps allow the user to fill in the forms and capture data while they are on-site or in the office, online or offline. One of the best features is the approval process. We have provided a visual approval process designer so your document can be sent from one person to another person or department while keeping track of all the history. Additionally, the user has all his data on the cloud in one central place for getting analytics over the data. The best part is our pricing structure. We have two subscription plans that buyers can choose from — $20 per month for the small team of 5 users and $7 per month per user form mid and large organizations.

Its unique selling point is that our pricing structure is simple and costs effective compared to other competitors, and we provide the complete solution than any of the major players in the market.

Trexa ensures a smooth customer experience. We help customers with taking their current process paperless, assist them in transforming their manual work into digital processes. We also provide a great customer support to help with any queries customer might have.

Looking to the future

According to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc. Electronic Document Management System Market is projected to surpass USD 6 billion by 2024. The rise in the adoption of cloud computing, BYOD trend, penetration of SaaS-based solutions and Big Data are expected to drive electronic document management system market growth.

Trexa will play a key role over the next few years in this industry. We believe that India too will be a large industry for EDMS in next couple of years as people are now adopting digital solutions in their day to day lives and it is not far when we will see every industry where right now we see the paper forms, will eventually be replaced by Trexa enabled tablet or mobile. says Mukesh Lagadhir — CEO

Trexa — Team

While current product is fully developed, we have future plan to grow this platform and make it the huge platform where we see the papers are no more needed anywhere!

For more information please visit our website: Trexa
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Trexa eForm

Trexa is an enterprise solution that helps you convert your paper forms, pdf forms and document processes paperless, efficient, and automated.