Explore digital transformation with Trexa

Trexa eForm
Published in
7 min readJul 20, 2018
Convert paper form or PDF to eForm, deploy to teams and collect data

In the era of digital evolution where every aspect of our life is surrounded by technology in some way. We are using technology at the pick for everything from home to office and from smartphone to cloud computing, yet there are few aspects of our life where we have not allowed technology to contribute to it best like papers.

We still use paper in various processes like form filling, documents, and approval. Paper and printing cost is much higher and companies still doing this due to less explored possibility of paperless technologies or limitations of existing solutions.

Another alarming side of using paper is every time you use a paper it costs environment in terms of cutting trees and producing paper wast. According to research, the world produces more than 300 million tons of paper every year. The U.S. alone uses more than 68 million trees to produce paper and paper products. That results in over 26 million tons of waste.

We know that Becoming a greener company overnight is a daunting task, but taking small steps is a sure way to get there. At Trexa we make it a priority to do its part in lowering these numbers and eliminate paper use by creating a paperless solution for our clients.

WHY Should I consider a digital document platform?

  • Are you and your employees overwhelmed by large amounts of paper documents and files?
  • Is the form filling and approval process time consuming and is less transparent?
  • Does your workflow process automated and can change on the go?
  • Does create new forms is hard and distribution to the team is even exhausting?
  • Are filling forms tedious for the workforce and less digital?
  • Are you spending far too much time looking for lost or misplaced documents?
  • Are there undue lag times in coordination between different departments or offices?
  • Are your business-critical documents secure from unauthorized access and theft?
  • Have you implemented a disaster recovery plan?
  • Do you spend too much on papers, printers, ink cartridges, copiers, and fax machines?
  • Are you lacking analytics capabilities over your form data and that reduce your productivity?
  • Does sharing of the document is the physical paper process and slow?

If any of the question’s answer is YES for you than next sections are for you.

WHAT is Trexa’s enterprise solution?

Trexa is enterprise solution that helps you convert your existing paper forms, pdf forms and document processes paperless, efficient, and automated. It’s a complete solution built to help you to transform your existing paper forms into digital documents.

Our easy to use platform allows the very little learning curve for your teams to adopt the solution. Whether you start with a scanned paper form or a PDF form, you can turn it into an intelligent Digital Document Form with Trexa in few simple steps and distribute to your workforce on mobile devices or web to fill.

Once a digital form is made available, users can use it right away. Data within the completed forms are automatically validated, parsed and sent back to the cloud. The mobile app allows offline document create and edit, so even without an internet connection you can get stuff done.

We made it easy to create your own approval flow and put documents into flow automatically for approval. You can manage your document approval from anywhere with mobile apps as well.

The analytical module allows you to view the insight of your forms submission and gives you a real-time track of every user and data being submitted.

Convert paper form to digital form : Trexa eForms

Key Features


Allows you to assign users to forms for distribution on mobile, it allows you to create the groups of users for the mass distraction of forms.


Create approval flow for document and put submitted into approval for based on defined steps. Allows setting conditional assignment based on form values.


Allows the user to create and edit the document and submit to an office and works offline as well. Real-time notification for approval requests.


Share the document with the team member or other users like your customers and clients and allow them to collaborate to view or edit document based on permission.


Take digital signature over forms and documents directly from the mobile device.


Search into the document using our advanced search options which enables you to search on form fields.


Powerful charts will help you visualize collected data, prevent problems and make better decisions. View performance reports broken down by time, department, employees, templates and more.


Store all the documents on cloud and access them any time from anywhere. View documents and edit them or share with users


Using the secure API integrate your existing systems with our solution and make both work flawless


Templates allow to share public links and can be integrated so public users can fill any number of documents, public survey and feedback forms are great to use cause for this


Stores all the document to Google Drive or Dropbox parallel to cloud storing.


Our server pushes new data to your server to given endpoint as and when we receive new data to the cloud from mobile or web


Location tracking for forms allows capturing location of the form at the time of create. Location tracking can be enabled even on field level so on field updated it captures the location

HOW Trexa’s enterprise solution can help you?

More and more businesses are streamlining their workflows by converting paper documents to digital documents. But when it comes to your company’s forms, not just any electronic forms solution will work. You need a solution that will retain the exact look and feel of your paper forms and contracts while enabling users to use the solution more efficiently with forms and save forms on the cloud, to access them in anytime from anywhere, and approve them with their mobile application or from the web. With an eForms solution built around form designer, document drive, document editor — and tailored to your workflow needs, you can easily move paper-based processes to the cloud and accelerate user’s efficiency and approval cycles. Now your business can expedite forms submission and cut the costs associated with managing paper at the same time.

Every business nowadays uses one or another kind of form whether it is engineering and manufacturing, insurance, tech company, financial or human resource business. And the Trexa eForms solution can help organizations and workgroups be more productive by eliminating dependency on papers.

Engineering and manufacturing organisations can turn their forms like equipment inspection forms, field surveys, purchase orders to digital forms, human resources workgroups can convert time off requests, performance review forms, and send for approval to other departments. Finance workgroups can turn anything from a purchase order to a job estimate into an eForm so they can not only route and track it but also build in formula calculations and extract attached data for archiving.


Using Trexa you can stay ahead of the competition and can save precious time and resources by converting existing paper forms and other pdf forms that can be accessed, completed, and submitted electronically.


Fill in the document from mobile and web and save to cloud or send for approval. The document stored in an organised manner for easy retrieval and searches can be done quickly and gives results in seconds.


Collect and process information efficiently and cost-effectively with no errors using in-built validations, eliminates data loss and store all on the cloud.


Accelerate business by shortening the review and approval process with approval flow and approval from anywhere using mobile applications.


The savings of eForms extends beyond just the cost of the paper, which can be substantial. The cost of printers, ink cartridges, copiers, and fax machines reduces.


Trexa complies with the best in industry security and privacy standards. Your data is secured in a cloud and logically separated into its own SQL schema


With the time saved, executives can spend their time more productively, on developing the business.

With the world advancing so fast and quick towards digital transformation, we have started to see several industries growing with paperless offices and becoming a huge trendsetter. Start your digital journey with TREXA’s extensive and powerful capabilities.

Among all the different business technologies that are environment-friendly, going paperless deserves a special mention. While the paperless trend has been around for quite some time, most businesses are yet to adopt the technology. As going paperless involves adopting new business technologies, you will need a solid preparation.

And the preparation starts with identifying how we consume paper and understanding how the traditional system affects your business and the environment. It is estimated that an average office worker uses about 10,000 sheets of paper per year. In a single year, the total paper consumption in the USA requires cutting down 68 million trees.

With all these benefits mentioned in above sections, going paperless should really be one of your top business goals.

This short video demonstrates Trexa’s ability to reduce your dependence on paper or pdf forms


Glad to hear that you are excited about the many benefits of going digital and eliminating need of papers. Please visit www.trexaforms.com/contact-us or just send us an email on info@trexaforms.com for any queries. We are happy to answer any question you may have.

Our product is free to try without credit card and easy to setup Get started for free



Trexa eForm

Trexa is an enterprise solution that helps you convert your paper forms, pdf forms and document processes paperless, efficient, and automated.