How can the right eForm solution grow your business?

Trexa eForm
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2018
Trexa eForm | Digital Document Solution

Every business in every industry uses various types of business forms to collect important data. Forms are used to handle both internal processes and external processes, from simple employee expense reports to complicated insurance enrollments. Regardless of the complexity of the process, forms enable participants to submit data in an organized, accurate way in order to begin a specific business process.

Despite the growing popularity of electronic forms, paper-based forms still exist. Paper forms may be lost in transit, difficult to read when handwriting is illegible, slow to manually route around an office or mail from location to location, tedious to process, costly to print and expensive to store. With electronic forms, capturing data can be simpler and more accurate. Depending on the technology, data from electronic forms can be immediately available to designated users, routed for action and set to trigger certain processes automatically.

Yet even as many businesses have made the shift to electronic forms, challenges still exist. These include ensuring that customers and employees have the latest versions of ever-changing forms, not having a way for employees to upload data from forms completed on portable devices, or not knowing how to process related images and documents.

Many of the eForm solutions on the market have these issues. They’re often disruptive and don’t account for different business needs.

In this post, we’ll highlight:

  • Common problems with current eForm solutions
  • The benefits of an eForm solution
  • How to fix these problems and grow your business by using Trexa

Common problems with current eForm solutions

You could manually fill the forms on paper or pdf, but that only takes time and offer no other benefits. Online eForm software solutions are a better option. However, there is yet another problem: today much time eForm software has shortcomings:

  1. They fail to cater to different business owner needs and do not fulfill the requirements of every industry, often providing one-size fits all product regardless of the type of business.
  2. Many business owners perceive eForm solution as disruptive, with cumbersome eForm solutions increasing this negative perception.
  3. Many eForm solutions are a lot more complicated and make simple form filling complex. The software that should simplify their lives and help grow their business only causes headaches.

The result? Those who use eForm software, soon discard it. The solution? Trexa.

The benefits of an eForm solution

There are many benefits to using electronic forms instead of paper-based forms. These benefits include the following:

  • Reduce errors, increase the accuracy of information and improve data quality through validations
  • Reduce form filling time and provide ease of form filling
  • Avoid lost data
  • Speed up the internal work processes
  • Eliminate data entry re-typing
  • Reduce the costs associated with form printing and handling
  • Make documentation and information easier to share
  • Stored data can be used for further analysis
  • Integration with other systems
  • Save space on filing
  • Helps the environment
  • Keep information more secure
  • Easy accessibility via web and mobile

How can Trexa help you?

More and more businesses are streamlining their workflows by converting paper documents to digital documents. But when it comes to your company’s forms, not just any electronic forms solution will do. You need a solution that will retain the exact look and feel of your paper or pdf forms and contracts while enabling users to fill them from web or mobile and save to cloud, access them in anytime, and approve them. With Trexa eForms solution you can easily move paper-based processes to the Web and accelerate form filling process. Now your organization can expedite forms submission and cut the costs associated with managing paper at the same time.

Here are some key features of Trexa.


You can create powerful smart forms easily using drag and drop interface from your paper or pdf forms. Utilize a large set of data input fields including signature, formulas, and drawings to make the filling experience better.


Deploy digital forms easily to the users or groups. Empower mobile user to capture form data digitally from anywhere whether they are online or offline


Receive documents on web or mobile and put that into approval flow immediately. Stay synced with all your approvals with real-time notifications.


Powerful charts will help you visualize the collected data, prevent problems and make better decisions. View performance reports broken down by time, department, employees, templates and more.


Search into the document using our advanced search options which enables you to search on form fields.


Share documents with internal team members or invite external users to view, edit or sign the documents


Enables user to create or update the documents while they are offline, and automatic synchronization when you’re connected to a secure network

Trexa has created the eForm solution by working with hundreds of small business owners to understand their challenges, unique needs and how they use the forms in a day to day life.

So, are you ready to use Trexa and grow your business?



Trexa eForm

Trexa is an enterprise solution that helps you convert your paper forms, pdf forms and document processes paperless, efficient, and automated.