Meet John, who’s significantly improved his business

Trexa eForm
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2018
Trexa eForm | Digital Document Solution | SVD case study


SVD Organises actions and events nationally in the USA and for dealing with lot’s of paperwork every day from filling visitors feedback forms to collecting inquiries from the prospects. Processing information from this paper forms was a time-consuming activity for them. It was difficult for the sales and marketing team to spent a lot of time to go through papers and generate meaning full information from them.

So they looked for a digital form making and filling solution that can help them to overcome these difficulties and make the process move faster.

Digitising of our existing paper form and getting meaning full information from them is necessary for us now as we are growing more. As a technology company we know the benefit of moving from paper to electronic form. Trexa help us in our transformation and meets our requirement best — says Manuel Padilla, Creative Director — SVD


  • Convert paper and pdf forms into digital
  • Reduce the time for creating new format and distribution of forms
  • Make advance searching within the form data
  • Generate meaningful insight on form data


Trexa solution was implemented and converted their existing forms to digital form. Content management and marketing team loved the Template designer as it made their life much easier to create a new form from the existing form and distribute across the workforce on the go on their mobile devices and monitor activity about data submitted by them.

It took less than 2 weeks to successfully implement and start using the solution in full fledge within all department. Trexa’s advanced search capabilities to search into any fields of forms was a big hit for them as they can now be able to search and generate graphs based on that. They have also started using the workflow process to send documents from one department to another for approval management.

As an additional benefit, they have reduced the cost they spent on paper and related accessories like printers, fax machine and started doing all necessary work from Trexa as there all alternate for paper-based forms.


  • Within 2 weeks all the forms got converted to digital forms
  • Form distribution and filling process become 50% faster compared to the old method
  • Searching and analyzing document became faster
  • Cost of paper reduced to 70% by the elimination of physical archiving and paper consumption
  • Creation of new forms became much easier and less time consuming

Within sort period of implementation we achieved our goal for selecting Trexa and seen the improvement into our form filling and related processes like searching and sharing data, it also helped into make forms digital and easy to distribute. — says John Carroll, President — SVD



Trexa eForm

Trexa is an enterprise solution that helps you convert your paper forms, pdf forms and document processes paperless, efficient, and automated.