Blog Post #9 A Degree in Communication is a Degree in “Real Life” #MillikinSMW17

Trey Pogue
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2017

This blog post is all about a bachelor’s degree in Communication from Millikin University.

The Communication Department at Millikin University prepares students for a life full of making real connections, doing real work, and creating real value. To best explain why a degree in Communication is so valuable, I interviewed two Communication majors at MU, Paige Ehrat and Trevor Hooth.

There are over 35 majors to choose from at Millikin University. Tell us a little bit about why you choose to study Communication.

PE: I chose to study Communication because it was such a broad degree and every industry has some sort of Communication aspect, with plenty of job opportunities.

TH: I picked Communication because I want to work in media after I graduate. Millikin offered a mass media concentration that really appealed to me.

How does a Communication degree from Millikin compare to other degrees offered from MU?

TH: Communication majors present and defend their viewpoints more often than most other majors. This provides Communication majors with a different skill set. Workload wise, it may be lighter than other majors. But when it comes to actually participating the activities that take place outside of a classroom setting, Communication majors do an awful lot.

PE: I agree. I work my butt off everyday in and outside of the classroom. It shows in my grades and on my resume.

That brings us to the next question about Performance Learning. What are some Performance Learning opportunities that being a Communication major has presented you with?

TH: There have been so many... I host a radio program on 89.5 WJMU The Quad, I write for the Decaturian, and last year, I presented a paper at the Celebration of Scholarship. The Communication Department does an excellent job of immersing students in the field. I’ve been involved with WJMU The Quad since my very first semester at MU. I would call all of the opportunities “controlled chaos.” We are thrown in the deep end to fend for ourselves, but professors act as a life preserver if we ever need help.

PE: I love that Millikin is Performance Learning based and the Communication faculty do a great job of offering opportunities in every course. In one course, I was assigned to work with an outside team to develop a health campaign. We were actually trying to make a difference in the community, instead of just in the classroom. It was really a great experience.

How prepared do you feel for “real life” after earning your bachelor’s degree in Communication?

PE: I feel 100% confident to enter the work force with the knowledge the Millikin Communication Department has given me. My experiences outside the classroom have contributed to my confidence. My co-curricular activities did so much to prepare me for my future. Millikin gives students the tools to be successful.

TH: So much of the field I want to go into involves developing skills that may not have been learned until college. But through the Performance Learning philosophy of MU and the the Communication Department, I already have a head start on other students. After Millikin, I feel confident about starting my journey as a “real person.”

I want to thank you both for your participation. Good luck with your future endeavors!

As you can see from the interview above, Millikin Communication majors passionate, driven, and involved. In Communication courses, students are taught theories and best practices. Outside the classroom, in Performance Learning opportunities and co-curricular activities, students put their knowledge into practice. Communication majors at Millikin are being equipped with real skills that will help them to be successful in “real life.”

