What is it about Medium that makes me want to just write?

This is exactly the platform I’m looking for.

Trey Reynolds
Trey’s Blog


Ok, caveat emptor: I’m not a blogger. I’m not even a regular writer. I am one of those people who wishes they wrote more, but hasn’t practiced with any regularity since high school and probably has an over-inflated sense of their ability.

I hail from flatland USA

That being said, I think Medium is the right answer to “how can I get started writing, have an opportunity to reach an audience, and not have to worry about the technical details of any of that?”.

Its the wide open space, the black on white, the pure blank page. You have to fill it with something.

Its the wide open space, the black on white, the pure blank page. You have to fill it with something. That’s the call of life I suppose: to turn the emptiness in the world into something worthwhile.

If you’re reading this then good for you. Let’s turn this into something big.

