Triall Product Spotlight: Medical Coder



This is the seventh article part of our product spotlight series on Medium. In this article series, we walk you through the different software products and features of our end-to-end eClinical platform, focusing on one core product category each week. This week, we zoom in on our medical coder.

An introduction to medical coding
Medical coding is a crucial aspect of clinical trial data management. Data generated in trials is often recorded by different investigators at various research sites. These investigators might adhere to different terminology when it comes to describing important information such as adverse events, medical history, and concomitant medications. Especially for multi-country trials, recording medical terms uniformly across research sites is therefore often considered a big challenge.

Medical coding is performed by the clinical trial data management team to categorise medical terms appropriately so that they can be analysed and reviewed. The digitalisation and further automation of clinical trial processes has resulted in the rise of coding software that makes this process more accurate and less time-consuming .

Key features
In this article, we’ll walk you through the features and benefits of Triall Medical Coder as well as our current options and future vision for blockchain integration.

Benefits for clinical research professionals
With Triall Medical Coder, data managers can easily conduct and oversee all of their medical coding activities from any device and any location. The application supports WHODrug and MedDRA dictionaries and allows for import and export of coding data and configurations. Moreover, Triall Medical Coder enables quick dictionary searches, auto-coding of individual or large datasets, and upgrading with newer dictionary versions. The interactive interface furthermore offers data managers with a wide range of configurable filters, report, and workflows options.

Platform interoperability
The Triall platform comprises a modular configuration of integrated clinical trial software (eClinical) applications for data capture, document management, planning & oversight, trial supply management, wearable integration, and more. All activities and processes running on our platform are therefore captured in real-time, including all data captured through Triall EDC, Triall ePRO, connected wearable devices, and more. This allows the rapid coding of medical terms as they are recorded by various research sites on the platform.

Triall’s Verifiable Proof API
The Triall platform can be integrated with blockchain through our Verifiable Proof API which allows the timestamping of data, such as relevant study performance metrics, right at the moment where it is generated. These blockchain timestamps provide verifiable proof that data was present at a certain point in time and has not been altered since. They, therefore, mitigate the corruption or manipulation of data at a later stage and improve the reliability of clinical science and good clinical practice (more info on verifiable proofs).

Creating verifiable proofs over the course of a study generates an immutable and verifiable audit trail that (1) lives independent of the systems used to collect data and (2) is kept available by a distributed network of computer servers (‘nodes’) who are incentivised to maintain the blockchain network. This means that long after a trial is concluded and applied eClinical systems have been retired, auditors and regulators can still verify the validity of the trial results.

About Triall
Triall brings Web3 to medical research by creating a digital ecosystem of blockchain-integrated software solutions that secure and streamline clinical trials. Triall’s solutions make clinical trials tamper-resistant and enable secure and efficient integrations between the many isolated systems and parties involved in clinical trial processes. Triall’s software is co-created with clinical trial professionals to ensure optimal user experience, solving actual industry pain points.

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