Meet TrialReach Match

Lisa Brockway
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2016

A powerful new way to connect patients and researchers, and a #diabetestrialchat to discuss the latest in diabetes research

Did you know that researchers are constantly working on new treatments to improve the health of people with diabetes? The problem is; if you’re living with diabetes, how do you get involved? How do you find these researchers?

Good news: they’re looking for you too! In the US alone, diabetes researchers are looking for a half million patients to take part in their trials. Unfortunately, many of these trials will never get off the ground because they can’t find enough patients to get involved.

Why does this matter? One word: HOPE — for you and for other patients. New treatments require research, so the promise of a brighter future for people with diabetes depends on patients and researchers working together.

This is where TrialReach comes in: we help researchers and patients connect so that potential new treatments can get to the people who need them, faster. As part of this mission, we’re pleased to introduce TrialReach Match™: which is transforming the way patients find and take part in clinical trials.

We’ve started with diabetes, and we will be launching other therapeutic areas throughout the year. Check out the video below for a quick explanation. And, if you’re interested in finding a trial for you, try TrialReach Match™ today.

If you’d like to learn more about diabetes clinical trials, please join our Twitter chat at 3PM ET this afternoon. We’ll be joined by our friends at Healthline, JDRF, and DiabetesMine, and we will be discussing the latest in medical research, as well as how patients can get involved. You can take part by using #diabetestrialchat. For more information, click here.

Originally published at on January 27, 2016.

