HR Evolution — Unveiling the Transformative Power of AI

TribalScale Inc.
Published in
6 min readSep 12, 2023

Written by: Adam Stenson, People and Culture Co-ordinator, TribalScale

Originally published at

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As a People & Culture Coordinator navigating the ever-changing world of remote work, I am witnessing firsthand the increasing influence of Artificial Intelligence in the field of Human Resources. AI-powered technologies have become instrumental in streamlining HR processes, enhancing employee experiences, and enabling effective remote work environments. From intelligent recruitment tools to virtual onboarding platforms, AI has revolutionized the way HR professionals operate and support the workforce in this new era of work.

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In this blog, we’ll explore the growing role of AI in HR, its impact on remote working practices, and the exciting opportunities and challenges it presents for HR professionals like myself. Let’s dive in! ⤵️

AI’s Impact on Talent Acquisition and Recruitment

AI can significantly enhance talent acquisition and recruitment processes by automating tasks, improving candidate sourcing and selection, and providing data-driven insights. At TribalScale we use the Greenhouse tool which is AI powered and has revolutionized the way we attract, assess, and engage with potential candidates. Gone are the days of manually sifting through countless resumes, instead, AI-powered algorithms efficiently analyze and match skills, experience, and qualifications with job requirements. Greenhouse goes beyond just resume screening-its intelligent automation streamlines communication with candidates, providing timely updates and personalized responses enhancing the candidate experience.

AI can improve the selection process through predictive analytics. By analyzing historical hiring data, AI can identify patterns that correlate with successful hires. This allows recruiters to focus on candidates who are more likely to thrive in the organization. AI-powered tools can also conduct preliminary interviews, asking candidates relevant questions and assessing their responses. This helps in identifying candidates who align with the job requirements and company culture before involving human interviewers. AI can also mitigate bias in recruitment by anonymizing resumes and removing identifying information, ensuring a fair evaluation of candidates based on their qualifications and skills.

Competitor analysis is also streamlined with AI, allowing HR to build extremely specific market maps and industry analysis as we prepare to release new roles and evaluate the market. AI tools can reference role names across other organizations to be able to offer new potential positions to individuals who might have a background fit. It can also create a “day in the life” for roles to offer more insight to candidates and to help formulate job descriptions in a matter of seconds.

Data Driven Decision Making

Working in HR means spending a lot of time setting up different processes, cadences, initiatives, and more for the organization which when measured, usually create a large amount of data for us. Instead of letting this data sit unused, AI can help to pull valuable insights. With AI-driven HR analytics, we can analyze large amounts of data gathered from various sources such as our employee engagement surveys, performance evaluations, recruitment data, and even general market trends. This data based approach allows our HR team to make well-informed and strategic decisions that optimize talent acquisition, employee engagement, performance management, and workforce planning.

A Tool for Enabling Remote Work

As a remote-first company, we’ve encountered various challenges and have experimented with implementing different tools across the organization. Read more about our thoughts on remote collaboration strategies here. AI has allowed us to address the following challenges:


One of the significant challenges HR encounters with remote work is maintaining transparent and real-time communication among employees. At TribalScale we use Slack, the popular messaging platform, in order to break down communication barriers. It allows us to foster a sense of connection among our remote teams through instant messaging, file sharing, and project discussions. With the AI-backed features available with Slack, it assists us in automating repetitive tasks, making company wide scheduled announcements, and employee support.

Employee Morale & Wellness

Remote work also brings forth the challenge of keeping a pulse-check on employee morale and wellness. Our HR department at TribalScale uses AI-driven sentiment analysis tools to gauge employee morale and overall satisfaction. Identifying patterns in employee feedback allows HR to proactively address issues, offer support, and implement wellness initiatives, ultimately enhancing remote work experiences and employee retention.

Personalization of the Employee Experience

At TribalScale the employee experience matters a lot to us and we want it to be personalized for each one of our members. Here is how AI is helping us with that:

Onboarding, Learning, and Development

Onboarding is when an employee’s experience really begins and is a crucial process. AI can be leveraged here to create personalized onboarding plans, tailored to the new employee’s role, skills, background, and even specific projects they may be joining. In general, AI tools can be used to create comprehensive documentation on internal processes and cadences, products and services, client projects, and more to be shared with employees during onboarding and beyond.

Investing into professional development is necessary to ensure employees are learning and growing in their role to reach their career goals. AI-driven learning platforms can suggest personalized training and development paths for employees based on their skills, performance, and career goals. To learn more about creating a professional development plan for employees, click here.

Performance Management & Data Driven Insights

We collect a lot of data from things like our employee engagement surveys, our 360 and mid-year review cycles, and also our weekly check-ins through our 15five tool. To read more about each of these feedback mechanisms and how they work, click here.

We use AI to analyze all this data and provide actionable insights to the team on what is going right and what we can improve upon, highlighting trends and patterns that might otherwise go unnoticed. From there this real-time feedback can be shared with individual employees to improve performance, helping them understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Taking it a step further, predictive analytics can help HR identify potential performance issues early and take proactive measures.

Employee Assistance

We recently partnered with Senso AI, a provider of cutting-edge AI solutions, to enhance our wiki support with AI, read our full announcement here. TribalScale’s internal repository of information will evolve into an intelligent and dynamic knowledge hub, revolutionizing information retrieval and empowering employees like never before. Gone are the days of sifting through heaps of documents or getting lost in an ocean of data. The integration of AI empowers employees to swiftly access relevant information, leading to a more efficient and empowered workforce. Think of it like a virtual assistant that can provide employees with instant answers to HR-related questions, such as benefits, policies, and procedures. AI can also identify patterns in employee queries to improve HR services and identify common pain points.


To successfully revolutionize HR with AI, companies need to invest in the right technology, train HR professionals to use AI tools effectively, and ensure that ethical considerations, data privacy, and transparency are maintained throughout the process. Also, it’s important to note that HR still requires the “human touch” and the personal connections we develop remain the most important part of our roles. This still must be balanced with keeping up with the latest AI trends in our industry, so we can stay ahead of the game.

Adam is a People and Culture Co-ordinator at TribalScale. He is from Dublin, Ireland and moved to Canada in September 2022 to complete the second half of his International Duel-Degree in Business. Outside of work Adam enjoys traveling, playing Gaelic football and is a huge Chelsea Football Club fan.

TribalScale is a global innovation firm that helps enterprises adapt and thrive in the digital era. We transform teams and processes, build best-in-class digital products, and create disruptive startups. Learn more about us on our website. Connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook!



TribalScale Inc.

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