State of E-Commerce and M-Commerce Trends and Predictions

TribalScale Inc.
3 min readMay 9, 2017


By Courtney Watts

Consumer behaviour is drastically changing the landscape of retail technology, and it’s happening before us at a blinding pace. I’ve written about artificial intelligence and machine learning’s role in retail today and the potential for further disruption. But with all this talk of emerging technology and new omnichannel experiences, why are we still talking about mobile commerce and what retailers need to do to succeed? Haven’t we already figured this out?

Last year was the year internet usage on mobile devices exceeded desktop for the first time, worldwide. The growth of transactions taking place on mobile in comparison to desktop is also gaining momentum year over year. The truth is that most retailers are behind when it comes to mobile commerce (m-commerce). It might seem like everyone has an app these days, but majority of marketers and retailers are missing out on critical opportunities to connect with customers on mobile devices.

It’s imperative to address this now more than ever because mobile is not just a buzzword anymore–it’s the future of online retail. Just take last year’s holiday shopping trends as a key indicator: According to a 2016 holiday shopping report by Affirm, mobile accounted for about 55% of the the traffic to online retailers’ sites. On top of that, more than 36% (over one third) were transacted via mobile devices.

You can dive deeper into these trends and more by checking out our state of e-commerce and m-commerce infographic below.

Courtney is a Client Partner at TribalScale, helping our clients bring innovative ideas to life. After spending time early in her career in human rights and international education nonprofits, Courtney became passionate about how businesses leverage technology and innovation to make the world a better place. After getting her Master’s in International Business in Boston, she ventured into the tech and digital space (both enterprise and startup) and hasn’t looked back. Originally from the states, her work and study experience spans across the US, Latin America, Spain, India and China… and as of last year, Canada!

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TribalScale Inc.

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