The Connected Media Experience

TribalScale Inc.
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2016

By Adam Lacombe

The media industry has seen a dramatic shift over the past decade. With the speed of tech adoption, traditional media companies are left to hedge their bets in the tech rat race. Which platform, hardware, and medium will reign supreme in the eyes of consumers. Large-scale publishing companies have gone from print to digital, or print to inexistence. Broadcasting corporations are scrambling to adapt to the Netflix era of on-demand binge-consumption. Welcome to the connected age. If you haven’t figured it out yet, it’s adapt or die.

Consumers to Users

Media companies across the spectrum have seen drastic shifts in how their consumers, well… consume. This comes as a result of the empowerment of consumers. It pains me to even say consumers. At TribalScale that word isn’t in our vocabulary. We service Users. Users have choices. Users interact with media, rather than passively observing it. The shift from consumer to user is the first fundamental change necessary toward connected media experiences.

User Experience

From here, your new-found users require a 5-star experience. User Experience dictates the adoption rate of your applications, the extent to which users interact with your brand, and how easily they access content. This is where software companies are easily differentiated from everyone else. As a software company, our Designers and Engineers collaborate to deliver consistent 5-star user experiences. Our clients are the experts in their fields. They build the best hardware, the best music, and certainly the best content. We connect that content with their users as an extension of their brand.

Mobile to Connected Experiences

Mobile is a must have for media. With over 50% of our digital time spent on mobile, access to content on-the-go is essential. If your brand is not yet represented in a Native mobile app, forget about leveraging emerging technologies. The connected experience comes into play when organizations begin investing beyond simple mobile applications. Leveraging user data, beacon technology, emerging hardware, and IoT platforms can offer seamless, intuitive experiences. This type of experience helps organizations stand out as leaders in their industry rather than competing in the rat race.

A few examples of technology to leverage

Voice User Interfaces (Siri, Alexa, Cortana)
- Create conversational interaction with your content.

- Offer content on a smaller user interface

Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
- This one’s a no brainer — immerse your users in content and offer full body interaction

Beacon Technology
- Offer content based on your user’s location. Personalized push notifications and advertising within your applications.

Artificial Intelligence(AI)
- Become more precise with suggested content for your users. Leverage AI to become more responsive to your users needs.



TribalScale Inc.

A digital innovation firm with a mission to right the future.