The Top 3 Sessions at TakeOver Innovation Conference 2018

The Future of AR/VR, How to Apply AI in Your Business, and Startups to Watch Out For

TribalScale Inc.


By The TakeOver Team

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Snap Back to Reality

From a 14-year-old founder of an AR/VR company to a film and television strategist, to an author of a book that blurs the lines between the physical and digital worlds, this panel explored the current and future landscape of AR/VR technology. The panelists, Sabarish Gnanamoorthy (Founder of Waypoint AR), Ted Biggs (VP of Convergent and Technology at Shaftesbury), and Dr. Helen Papagiannis (Author of Augmented Human), discussed and debated mass consumption of AR/VR, trends, and how the tech can make a greater impact.

We heard about some of the cutting-edge applications of AR/VR, for example: the technology is used to calm medical patients by 30%, and in just 8 minutes! Gnanamoorthy also challenged the panelists with the ethics of data collection. He explained that devices can collect and store what a user sees and feels in an AR/VR experience, so we have to be cautious and mindful of how and why data is collected. In short, it should only be used to enhance the user experience while maintaining privacy. This is just a taste of what the audience learned and uncovered; watch the panel to learn more about AR and VR, and how it’s shaping the future.

Watch the full session!

“I’d say, if not all of you, but most of you have the power of AR in your pocket” — Helen Papagiannis

Element AI Workshop

It’s not everyday that you see CEOs and top-tier execs cramming into a room and squeezing to grab a seat on the floor, but this was the scene at the Element AI Workshop. Karthik Ramakrishnan, the Vice President and Head of Industry Solutions at Element AI, took participants through an interactive workshop. He helped them uncover the value and need for an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based solution to solve one of their own distinctive business problems.

Karthik broke down some of the fuzziness surrounding AI, shared his business problem matrix, framing tactics, and took the audience through his tried-and-true process to identifying an AI-based solution. Watch and find out how you can identify a pressing business problem, uncover an AI solution, and turn it into something scalable.

Get your organization started with AI!

Venture Studios Showcase

TribalScale is pushing the boundaries of how and what it means to innovate. In February, we launched Venture Studios, which leverages our teams, processes, and tools to create, source, and scale disruptive startups in partnership with corporates. Just 14 weeks later at the TakeOver Innovation Conference, 4 disruptive startups were showcased. The founders and leaders of the studios startups, Troüpe, MESH,, and Every, took the stage, introduced their companies, and told the audience why and how they’re going to make a BIG impact on the automotive and financial industries.

The audience also heard from all-star innovators: Roger Chabra (CIO and Head of Venture Studios), Peter Aceto (former CEO of Tangerine), Farid Kassam (Principal of Akeelee, who also helped build the CANADARM1), Preeti Malik (former National Lead of Risk and Compliance at Accenture), and Matt Crossley (former Director of Engineering and Electrification at GM China). Spoiler alert: we might think we know how to innovate, but we’re wrong.

Watch and learn how our Venture Studios startups are disrupting the auto and finance space!

About TribalScale’s TakeOver Innovation Conference

TakeOver Innovation Conference is Canada’s largest one-day innovation conference and attracts over 1,200 business executives and thought leaders from around the world. TakeOver delegates come together from a range of industries to discuss current and future trends that will enable individuals and companies to grow and thrive. Through hands-on learning, networking opportunities, and exposure to emerging technologies, participants will discover how to transform and innovate for long-term success. With truly diverse and inclusive aims, brand new panel sessions, interactive workshops and demos, TribalScale’s TakeOver Conference is the ultimate place for innovation. For more information on TakeOver please visit

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TribalScale Inc.

A digital innovation firm with a mission to right the future.