Top 10 Key Takeaways on Artificial Intelligence from Collision Conference 2023

TribalScale Inc.
Published in
5 min readJul 13, 2023

Various members of the TribalScale team interviewed by Alyssa Berbecaru, Digital Marketing Operations Specialist, TribalScale

Originally published at

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Some of our TribalScale members had the chance to attend Collision Conference 2023 which was 3 days jam-packed with access to premium content, expert-led discussions, and networking with the growing Toronto tech community. It’s not a surprise that the main focus this year throughout the conference was all things generative artificial intelligence (AI) which has taken the tech industry by storm.

AI generated image created with Bing’s Image Creator

The conference brought together industry experts, innovators, and thought leaders to discuss the latest trends and advancements in AI, shedding light on the current state and future potential of AI, as well as highlighting the opportunities and challenges it presents.

To find out our team’s top insights from this year’s Collision Conference, click here and tune in to episode 2 of TribalTalk where we explore AI, development trends, and evolving work modes.

In this blog we’re summarizing all our key takeaways on AI from the conference. Let’s dive into it! ⤵️

1. Generative AI: The Beginning of a Marathon

Generative AI is still in its early stages, with its capabilities and applications being just the tip of the iceberg. We are only scratching the surface, which is both exciting and intimidating. Navigating technological adolescence will be a significant challenge in the short term.

Gen AI has the potential to disrupt our personal and professional lives on a scale comparable to the dot-com era. Access to intelligence will become as widespread as smartphones, leading to a future where everyone has their own AI-powered personal assistants to help with things like financial planning, medical diagnosis, advice for personal relationships or life and career plans, and much more.

2. Democratizing Generative AI

Data shows that approximately 70% of global businesses are considering adopting Gen AI, and 73% of Canadian consumers trust content produced by Gen AI. This presents a substantial opportunity, but organizations should approach it with a well-defined strategy to ensure successful implementation.

3. Data Quality: A Critical Factor

The quality of data used in AI models is often poor, limiting their potential and hindering widespread adoption. Organizations looking to invest in AI must prioritize addressing the quality of their data before fully harnessing its power.

4. Early Adoption: A Competitive Advantage

Rather than being a late adopter, organizations should consider becoming disruptive movers in the AI space. Implementing AI technologies now will provide a head start and a competitive edge in the market.

5. AI’s Impact on the Human Experience

AI, like social media, may have negative effects on the human experience. Misinformation will continue to proliferate, and there is a risk of eroding critical thinking and creativity. Addressing these concerns will be crucial as AI becomes more prevalent.

6. AI and the Workforce

Gen AI will not replace all jobs but will enhance productivity among humans and significantly disrupt the workforce. Organizations need to prepare for this shift and find ways to adapt and reskill their employees accordingly.

7. Neural Networks Approaching Human Reasoning

Large neural networks, such as ChatGPT, LaMDA, and Bard, are increasingly approaching human-level reasoning capabilities. These AI models will continue to improve and become more capable, shaping the future of AI technologies.

8. Uncertainty and Regulation

As AI advances, we enter a period of great uncertainty. AI models may become smarter and develop their own goals, raising ethical concerns. To address this, governments worldwide are likely to introduce regulatory measures on AI models.

9. The Future of Generative AI

Gen AI will remain at the forefront of the technological landscape for years to come. It will be a catalyst for investments, ethical considerations, and regulatory compliance. Organizations and individuals alike should keep a close eye on Gen AI’s development.

10. How to Be the Best Leader For Your Team

  • Work towards a larger goal of creating a culture of innovation within your organization.
  • Be transparent with your team and let them know it’s ok to be overwhelmed at the moment with the fast-moving dynamics of generative AI.
  • Address the elephant in the room-job security-and explain how AI is a tool, not a threat.
  • Get in touch with those who are deep in AI work and learn from them.
  • Help filter out the noise to understand what works best and matters the most for you and your team.
  • When determining where to head next when implementing AI…be sure to ask “why?”.
  • Empower the experts on your team.
  • Focus on your people and celebrate failures.

Final Thoughts

Collision Conference 2023 provided valuable insights into the world of artificial intelligence. From the early stages of Generative AI to the potential disruptions and ethical concerns, the conference highlighted the need for strategic planning, data quality improvement, and early adoption. As AI technologies continue to evolve, it is essential to stay informed and prepared for the changes and opportunities that lie ahead-something that all organizations will need to keep an eye on.

Alyssa is our Digital Marketing Operations Specialist here at TribalScale. Her work is focused on streamlining marketing processes, content creation, and promotional activities. Outside of work you can find her curled up with a good book or playing with her dog.

TribalScale is a global innovation firm that helps enterprises adapt and thrive in the digital era. We transform teams and processes, build best-in-class digital products, and create disruptive startups. Learn more about us on our website. Connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook!



TribalScale Inc.

A digital innovation firm with a mission to right the future.