We Don’t Pitch Features, We Pitch Our Craft

Mitch Seguin


I think I’m starting to really dislike the term “product” when it comes to software. I’ve been helping companies define, build, and ship ‘products’ (henceforth software) for over four years now, and each time it begins with a bit of a struggle as people come to terms with the need to iterate. I think I now realize why this often is the case. Those who are new to software will think of software ‘products’ as physical off-the-shelf products, but they’re not. It isn’t something anyone can just ‘buy’ and end-up with experiences that are “best in-class” or on par with companies that understand and practice the craft of software development.

Well, today I’m setting the record straight: software development is a multi-disciplinary craft. You can’t buy it, you create it.

Here at TribalScale, we’re not going to have features or designs in our pitch with you (sorry). We’re going to push you to understand your users, the problem you’re trying to solve, and how you’re going to measure success. Our mission is to help connect the digital and physical worlds, and in order to effectively do that, we need to enable design and engineering to practice their craft in an iterative manner.

Working with TribalScale involves working with our talented team of product managers, designers, and engineers to validate opportunities, design and prototype concepts. Then, we finally ship software iteratively to ensure we’re constantly producing business value through constant change and communication with users to ensure it meets their expectations.

Unique processes create unique solutions

So if we’re not going to discuss product design or feature concepts on our first meeting together, what will we do? We’ll begin with introducing you to our process and unique way of working. Then, we’ll discuss how we’re going to generate value, align the team and direction, and take the first step to shipping a five star app.

Working with TribalScale means practicing the craft of software development, not simply buying a product. We recognize the uniqueness of users, your customers and your business needs. We pride ourselves on building software that our clients’ customers want to use. We understand that unnecessary features or the wrong features will turn users off. As such, the only way to build digital experiences that are going to resonate with your customers is to build empathy for them, make assumptions of what they want, validate them, and finally write some kick-ass custom software.

Sounds hard? It doesn’t need to be. Read “Sprint” by Joshua Knapp to learn how to quickly identify good solutions from bad ones. You should work with a company that recognizes the need to understand you and your users in order to build any kind of experience that isn’t going to be completely lacklustre.

Mitch Seguin has immense Product Management experience. He’s touched projects across iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and server side work. While at Xtreme Labs, which became Pivotal Software through acquisition, he grew into enterprise level roles working with the likes of Carnival Cruises, Under Armour and Capital One. As Director of Product for TribalScale, Mitch has returned to his roots, helping to manage projects for companies big and small to create the ultimate in world class Mobile and Connected Experiences.

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