Why I Joined TribalScale

TribalScale Inc.
Published in
5 min readJan 28, 2019


By Lori Casselman

Just over a month ago I joined TribalScale as President and Chief Operating Officer. It’s been a whirlwind of a January! I am both inspired and excited to be leading TribalScale’s growth and international expansion strategy — it’s shaping up to be a pretty incredible 2019. TribalScale is a dynamic organization poised to have a tremendous impact on digital products, how they are built, and the people that build them.

TribalScale’s growth story was an immediate point of attraction for me. In just over three years, the company grew from five founders to 200+ employees, opened up offices around the world, launched Venture Studios, and built an international network of visionary entrepreneurs, investors and business leaders through three TakeOver Innovation Conferences, and I’ve had the pleasure to speak at both TakeOvers in Toronto. Getting to know this community and the organization, it became easy to see that TribalScale is very unique. Through this rapid growth and scale, the Agile, lean way of working has been preserved — an internationally known, professional brand with the grit and drive of a startup with aggressive aspirations. Having the inside track has only validated for me that TribalScale is an innovative, community-building, people-first and future-forward organization. That’s why I was both intrigued and pleased to take this leadership role. Working with an impressive team to continue building a company that both inspires and attracts amazing individuals, partners, and clients was a clear win.

A Community-First Organization

In line with my values, TribalScale is a community-first organization that is working to bridge the world’s innovation communities for a better, more connected future.

I believe that business and innovation are most successful when connected and tied to others. And as CEO and Co-Founder, Sheetal Jaitly, often says “a rising tide lifts all boats,” (a phrase popularized by JFK). A community enables innovation as ideas are shared, cultivated, and grown. Individuals and groups with unique perspectives and needs come together in service of a shared goal.

In line with my values, TribalScale is a community-first organization that is working to bridge the world’s innovation communities for a better, more connected future. We have an exciting global brand that puts our clients, our partners, and our broader community first, and inspires them. For our clients, no engagement is done from afar, our teams go into our client’s office, pair program with, develop and transform their teams. As a premier and preferred partner for many technical solution providers, we collaborate and lend our expertise to develop amazing digital solutions that will touch and benefit millions of users. Our TakeOver Innovation Conference brings the world’s leaders and innovators together for thought-provoking, idea generating conversation. This is how we all grow together.

Venture Studios: Breaking Down Barriers to Innovation

I’m passionate about finding new ways for them (corporates and startups) to work together, leveraging each other’s assets, and driving innovation forward through mutually beneficial collaboration.

Venture Studios launched a year ago and ever since they have been making waves by harnessing the innovation potential of corporations and entrepreneurs, and of internal and external resources. It’s a game changer. In my career, I’ve worked at both enterprise organizations and startups, and my experience has shown me the unique value of each. I’m passionate about finding new ways for them to work together, leveraging each other’s assets, and driving innovation forward through mutually beneficial collaboration. Venture Studios utilizes its international networks, delivery centres, and experienced executives-in-residence and enables and empowers others to innovate for long-term success.

Here, we return to the need for an innovation community that builds and grows together, because, innovation isn’t housed in silos. TribalScale is sowing the roots for sustained innovation through its collaborative, comprehensive, and holistic approach. I am committed and eager to drive this forward.

The People

The workplace of the future must be a source of fulfillment and purpose, and it must complement and enrich an individual’s life more broadly.

The level of talent at TribalScale is truly impressive. I’m humbled to have the opportunity to lead a team of first-class champions of digital transformation, strategy, design, development, and additionally –- passionate entrepreneurs. As with many organizations that practice Agile, TribalScale values our incredible people over rigid processes; after all, plans and processes don’t establish and execute themselves, people do. I believe it is essential that each individual is given the space and resources to thrive personally and professionally. I am very much aware of how ‘work’ is evolving; the modern and future workplace must provide much more than a salary for its employees. The workplace of the future must be a source of fulfillment and purpose, and it must complement and enrich an individual’s life more broadly.

I am dedicated to driving this notion forward at TribalScale, and helping to foster a culture of empowerment, inclusion, and overall well-being. By creating a workplace environment where all are heard, where all have access to resources for growth, and where all are challenged for the better, we bring value to our employees and to our clients. This how we build a better future for all.

I’m thrilled to be leading this rocketship as we continue to redefine how and what it means to work and innovate, while optimizing our customers’ experience and building a best-in-class culture.

Lori Casselman is the President and Chief Operations Officer of TribalScale. Before TribalScale, Lori served as League Inc.’s Chief Health Officer and has held several executive roles leading innovation, strategy, and integration mandates with both startups and enterprise organizations.

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TribalScale Inc.

A digital innovation firm with a mission to right the future.