Women in Tech at TribalScale

TribalScale Inc.
Published in
5 min readDec 14, 2022

Written by: Julia Oliva, Senior People & Culture Specialist, TribalScale

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Our panel speakers at our Atlanta WIT event

On November 17th, 2022, TribalScale hosted a Women in Tech (WIT) networking event in Atlanta, GA, featuring a panel of speakers — Nicola Watson, Heather Page, Kristin Slink, and Umama Kibria — that spoke on a variety of important topics including:

  • Breaking the glass ceiling
  • Incorporating mentorship into your life
  • Building a personal brand
  • Effective networking
  • Path to advancing yourself to leadership/C-Suite positions

We had 65-plus women gather to network and grow their personal brand. It was a great night filled with sharing wisdom, insights through shared eopportunity to house the growth of knowledge, better insights, and thoughts of equality within the workspace to be discussed amongst one another.

It was an incredible experience, creating a space for all the awesome attendees to build connections and explore mentorship opportunities, and it opened our eyes to Atlanta as a growing tech hub. We’re excited to continue exploring partnerships with schools and businesses in this area! On top of that, we’ve reaffirmed our commitment to both empowering women in the tech industry and also setting the standard for other organizations and industries to follow and contribute to the initiative in their own ways.

The Importance of WIT

WIT aims to empower women in a male-dominated industry and help find ways to break the glass ceiling. As of August 2022, data shows that only 26% of women are employed in tech career positions, and only 10.9% of those women hold CEO or senior leadership positions in the computer science field — both stats that need to change.

On the personal level, it’s all about seeking opportunities to elevate yourself and grow your skill set while pursuing leadership roles, as well as learning to be confident and not being afraid to ask questions or seek out training opportunities.

On the organizational level, that’s where every company has to do their part, us at TribalScale included. Other organizations are following suit and we can see a surge in job openings for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), with Glassdoor data reporting a 54% increase in DEI-related job openings by the end of 2020. Investing in WIT and DEI in general is a must, with countless toolkits and resources readily available online—there’s no more room for excuses.

Recap On TribalScale’s WIT Efforts

Our Human Resources team has implemented many practices and strategies for our WIT initiative, let’s review them below.

Recruitment & Professional Development

Our team is focused on following through with our commitment right from the start, beginning with the recruitment and selection process. We ask women candidates what they would like to achieve in this role, how/if TribalScale can help them get there, and ensure that TribalScale will be a great fit for their personal careers.

During their time at TribalScale, there are many opportunities for professional development, as we provide a yearly budget to every TribalScale employee. We also have a slack channel where team members can share any courses/certifications, educational resources or websites with everyone. Supporting our team members’ growth, learning and goals is a priority for us.

A WIT non-profit organization that we follow
A WIT Linkedin group that we’re part of

Online Communities

We are part of various WIT online communities including WIT job boards, Linkedin groups and non-profit organizations that we connect with. By engaging with these communities regularly we’re able to post open jobs and chat with women candidates directly, as well as learn what other companies are doing for their WIT initiatives and incorporate advice from others.

Our virtual WIT webinar that we hosted in November 2021
Our WIT networking event we hosted in Atlanta

Women in Tech Events

Women face very unique challenges in the labor market in comparison to their male counterparts, so we understand the value of mentorship programs and how they help advance women in their careers — that’s what our WIT events are aimed at.

At the tail-end of 2021, we hosted our first virtual WIT webinar that featured a panel of 5 of our senior women leaders from TribalScale. Their discussion was focused on their own personal experiences with breaking into the tech industry and encountering obstacles as women in the industry. Attendees were able to ask questions and our panel speakers shared a lot of helpful advice. This webinar sparked our interest in doing more WIT events, eventually leading us to host our recent in-person WIT event in Atlanta.

Final Thoughts

Empowering women in the tech industry is what TribalScale is committed to. We’re excited to share our plans for 2023 with you, stay tuned for our upcoming blog where we’ll review how we’d like to expand on our WIT efforts here at TribalScale!

Julia is our Senior People & Culture Specialist here at TribalScale, overseeing the Engineering & QA department. She manages and leads our recruitment, employee initiatives and engagement along with various HR tasks. When Julia is not working behind her computer she is binging a Netflix series or cooking different cuisines.

TribalScale is a global innovation firm that helps enterprises adapt and thrive in the digital era. We transform teams and processes, build best-in-class digital products, and create disruptive startups. Learn more about us on our website. Connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook!



TribalScale Inc.

A digital innovation firm with a mission to right the future.