Switching Gym Software: The Easy Transition Guide

Tribe Method
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2017

Maybe you’ve decided your current gym management software isn’t up to par? Good. Par is just a golf term for average and no one likes being average — or golf.

Switching gym software can seem daunting. We’ll discuss how simple and easy it can ACTUALLY be!

Your members, memberships, and billing cycles will remain undisturbed while your administrative side will continue humming along smoothly.

We’re here to make the transition as seamless as possible. Because we know our process best, we’ll outline how we handle incoming gyms switching over to Triib.

We’re here to make the transition as seamless as possible. Because we know our process best, we’ll outline how we handle switching gym software over to Triib:


Much of this first step is best planned around your membership billing dates. What it ultimately represents is the first billing date in the new system. As you’ll be able to use everything well in advance as you get set up, this date serves as the official switch over for your members. The initial bill date is the first time they’re billing on the new platform.

If you’re constantly taking in member payments throughout the month, there is less emphasis here and more emphasis on the timetable needed to get data out vs. data in to the new system.

For gyms with a consistent billing date (i.e. 1st of the month) it’s good to figure when the last bill date will be in the old system and the first bill date in the new one. Communicate this ‘start date’ with the Onboard Manager responsible for helping get your gym info transferred.

An average timeline for switching gym software should be no sooner than 2 weeks in the future.


  • Set a planned ‘Switch Date’
  • Communicate special circumstances with Onboard Manager


Your member data is an essential part to the transfer. It’s also typically something that resembles a tangled mess. If you’re one of the few clean freaks who keep your member spreadsheets organized and consistent, congratulations — things just got a whole lot easier. If not, no worries, we’re prepared!

No one wants to go through and clean up member/membership data to ensure it imports properly but at Triib we assist with the export and give you a standard template with your data already on it. You can then verify and make any final tweaks before giving us the thumbs up!

Once we your approval, we will import the spreadsheet template with your data into Triib. Then we do another verification pass to ensure everything looks good. We’re constantly communicating with you to make sure billing dates, inactive vs. active members, and membership types are listed appropriately. Boom. We’re already almost done!


  • Verify Exported Member Data Spreadsheet from old system
  • Verify Imported Member Data inside your new Triib admin dashboard


Once your data is imported and your member lists look good. You can begin getting acclimated with the Triib dashboards that will give you high level overviews of your gym’s financial health, new prospects, member changes over time and much more. Around this time you’ll get an official onboard call scheduled with a Customer Success Manager from our team. During this call, you’ll learn the key ins-and-outs as it pertains to YOUR gym. We’ll give you the key process improvements and show you step-by-step walkthroughs on how to get things done in Triib. You’ll be a pro in no time.


  • Get adjusted to your new admin and reporting dashboards
  • Get Onboard call scheduled with a list of key items you want to cover


Based on your live date above, you can decide to send your official ‘Welcome Email’ to all members or have us send on your behalf. This email will give them log-in info along with a link and temporary password to their new account! Following the link, members will sign your gym’s waiver, input billing info, and complete any membership contract (if applicable).

Once the above step is complete, your member’s are good to go!

They can use their new log-in to access the Triib mobile app via Google Play or the Apple App Store. You can also customize the Welcome Email to include any additional steps you’d like your members to take.


  • Coordinate ‘Welcome Emails’ w/ Triib Onboard Team
  • Consider a short tutorial showing members how to set up their Triib account.
  • Get ready to rock!
  • Use online Knowledge Base or your unlimited support channels to get assistance every step of the way!
  • Your success is our success.

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At Triib, we’re big on transparency. Whoever your switching to should be also. Our simple pricing structure can be found HERE and we’re always available connect live if you have any questions! If any of the below are unkown, ASK. It’s important to have a clear picture prior to switching.

  • No contracts/cancel anytime
  • No onboard or start-up fees
  • No required hardware purchases
  • Straightforward subscription pricing

Choosing the right gym software

Interested in switching gym software? We may be right for you. consider Triib and our gym management platform. Request a free personalized demo below and see how we can help grow your fitness community!



Tribe Method

Gym Growth Software | Building Fitness Communities