Is writing too slow for catching up with your thoughts?

Cecilia Abadie
Tribe of learners
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2019

Experiments with voice journaling … the tool that keeps giving

On this Periscope we chat about how both Dayana and I, spontaneously and through serendipity found voice recording as an amazing tool for:
1. Voice journaling
2. Download stream of consciousness
3. Thinking out loud (without looking like a crazy person)
4. Sending more embodied memos to others
5. Sending reminders to oneself
6. Recording dreams
7. Gratitude journal

We share how this medium has evolved in each our lives in similar ways

1:21 — Why we started this community of sharing our learning

3:00 — Introducing the tool for today: voice recording

3:15 — How Dayana discovered voice recording as a tool for recording sounds around her

5:05 — How Ce discovered voice recording through journaling

6:22 — How to use this super simple tool, reducing barriers, just press that big red button and start

8:50 — Using recording for deep thought and introspection

9:56 — Help for ADD to focus and distill one idea fully

12:55 — Evolving into post processing, tagging and more

13:44 — The power of listening to your own recordings, finding and loving your own voice

15:10 — Seeing yourself as a running stream from the height through your recordings

17:17 — Using this moment to acknowledge that this day is precious, unique and will never ever be back again, as a reminder to live this moment

18:40 — Using voice memos to message others, with more easiness and expressing more fully and in an embodied way

19:40 — Humanity evolved oral first, writing second, coming back to oral as technology makes the medium searchable and less sequential makes sense

21:47-Individual brains also evolved from the womb as hearing first, vision secondly

23:39- This medium as faster and practical and can be done while multi-tasking such as driving

24:37 — Use recoding to register dreams, as a door to subconscious

25:50 — Tools, transcribing and more

28:09 — Using recording as a way to think out loud and solve problems that we couldn't solve inside our own mind alone

28:10 — More practical tips in terms of recording

32:10 — Experiment!

33:17 — Consistency, frequency over quantity

