Getting started on Tribes

Nathan Sampimon
Tribes App
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2015


So, you’ve just signed up and created a new Tribe? Awesome! Let’s step through how to get your community up and running on Tribes.

I’ll outline a handful of steps to take in setting up membership plans, creating booking resources and inviting your members.

Let’s get started.

Connect Stripe

Stripe is a leading online payments platform, that makes taking recurring credit card payments super easy.

Member subscriptions in Tribes are managed by Stripe. In fact, everything from membership plans, coupon codes, billing periods, renewals and refunds are all handled by Stripe — Tribes simply get’s all this information from your Stripe account and presents it to your members.

The first step toward getting your members on a paid subscription is connecting your Stripe account to your Tribe.

In Tribes Admin, head to Settings > Payments > Add Payment Method. Here you can attach your Stripe account, and select that account for use with your Tribe.

Once connected, your Tribe will be powered by Stripe and you’re ready to sync your plans and coupons, and begin signing up members.

Sync your Plans

You can sync with Stripe at any time using the Sync with Stripe button at Subscriptions > Plans.

This makes all the plans for your Tribe reflect the settings you’ve set up in Stripe.

If there is a plan missing, or a price that needs updating you‘ll need to update the plan in your Stripe account and then use Sync with Stripe to have the change reflected in Tribes.

In Tribes you can configure some further details about each plan, such as whether members on that plan are Residents and your capacity to take on members for that plan.

Add your Meeting Rooms

Do you have meeting rooms or other resources that Residents can book? You’ll want to set these up in Tribes Admin under Bookings > Resources.

You can select opening hours for each resource, and even keep some resources as Admin-only by disabling them being displayed in Tribes Social for your Residents.

Customise your Member Questions

During your Tribe induction you would have been asked to fill in a few questions for your profile. You can customise these to best suit your community.

Under Settings > Info you can use the Edit Tribe Info button to make changes to your Tribe member questions.

Update your Tribe Profile

From this same section in Tribes Admin, you can customise your Tribe profile. This is your chance to outline info about your Tribe and your community.

This info will appear on your Tribe profile at

Invite Members

The next step is inviting members to join your Tribe.

You can send anyone an invite to become a member of your Tribe using the Add Member button in Members. You can also invite them to join by directing them to your Tribe profile url, available in Setting.

Member Tracking

Want to track members coming in and out of your space? You can do this in 2 ways.

Using the Member Radar you’re able to track members that use Tribes via the internet connection in your community space. So each time any member accesses the Tribes platform using your internet connect, they’re listed as In the Space.

To set up your Member Radar, in Settings under Member Radar hit Set IP and enter your public IP address. If you’re in the space now, it will suggest your current public IP address for you.

Once set, you should start seeing members using your network appear under In the Space.

You can also track members accessing your space via the Tribes Kiosk app.

Set up your Kiosk

You can also sign up members via the Tribes Kiosk app. This app turns any Android or Apple tablet device into a kiosk for registering guests, tracking visitors and signing up new members.

The Kiosk app is available on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Post to a Campfire

Finally, kick off the conversation with your members by posting to the General campfire. You could use the opportunity to prompt your members to introduce themselves, post on what they’re working on or anything specific to your community. Be creative, and invite your users to take action.

For more details on configuring your Tribe, check out our Help Docs.

If you have any questions about getting started we’d love to hear from you. Reach out via the Contact link in the nav.

All the best with growing a strong, healthy community!



Nathan Sampimon
Tribes App

@AngelCubeMelb, @Inspire9, @tribes_app, @Inspire9dev