Startup Weekend Tampere — where ideas and community grows

Anna Pilch
Tribe’s stories
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2018

Ideas are nothing if they are not taken to action. And action it’s all that Startup Weekend is about. First ever Startup Weekend in Tampere, hosted by Tribe Tampere was simply great. Not just because of brilliant entrepreneurial ideas, but also because of the impact it had on streghtening the local entrepreneurial community.

Startup Weekend Tampere day 1 / photo credit Aino Siiroinen

Create startup in 54 hours? Challenge accepted!

After Friday’s first round pitching and voting for the best ideas, there were 9 teams created. The goal is clear — develop your idea so it’s ready to launch startup project. On Saturday participants started from lean development workshop and went through intense coaching. You could easily feel an atmosphere of deep focus and intense work spread over the space. What important, teams didn’t compete with each other — they cooperated, sharing thought and concerns around their projects. Some of them even decided to work together! Their only enemy was time.

Startup Weekend day 2 / photo credit Aino Siiroinen

“Mergers, exits, angel investors.Truly a rollercoaster ride of an event! “

Elisa Lukin, Project Manager of Startup Weekend Tampere.

The final countdown — pitching competition

The goal of the event was to win the final pitching competition, convincing the audience that the team is ready to make their ideas come true. Four merciless coaches joined their forces to evaluate team’s progress and presentations. Pitching order was random so to make it even a bit more stressful for participants :) During one hour, we witnessed the variety of problems and its solutions — from the integration of foreigners in Tampere, trough money-free payment system to AI improving our work efficiency. After long debate jury made their choice.

The Winners

Third place went to FRESHBITE, the team who wants to provide healthy diet services in Tampere — meal packages delivered straight to your doors. To boost their motivation, Tampere Startup Hub offered 3 months co-working space for the whole team for next three months.

Freshbite Team /photo credit Aino Siiroinen

Second place went to COMPETIFY, who is soon going to revolutionize telecommunication market. They will make sure that every customer uses the cheapest possible mobile offer available currently on the market. Competify were also awarded by our platinum sponsor — OP Labs as the best Service Design project.

Competify Team / photo credit Aino Siiroinen

And finally, The Winner is… ATLAS! Those guys will ensure that we don’t waste our time while shopping online. There are working on the digital solution, that enables us to receive personalised clothes suggestions based on our own style! The solution is scalable to other industries too! (wherever individual’s taste matters!:) KPMG offered its coaching services to the winners to make sure that their potential will be realized! Atlas also received a special Digitalisation&Sustainibility award from our sponsor — Stora Enso.

Atlas Team /photo credit Aino Siiroinen

The fourth winner is Tribe Community

Startup Weekend was great not only for participants but also for the whole entrepreneurial community in Tampere region. Tribe’s crew once again proved that they know what initiative, positive attitude and event organisations means. Startup Weekend gave us a lot of satisfaction as well as motivation to work even more toward strengthening entrepreneurship spirit in Tampere. We proved it again — It’s team and collaboration what matters the most! ;)

“Best innovations lie in the intersection of disciplines. We saw proof of it once again at Startup weekend that brought a diverse bunch of participants, mentors, partners and judges together. This is what Tribe also actively promote, so I’m sure we’ll have more events like this in future”

Daryna Barsukova, Community Manager in Tribe Tampere.

Thank you sponsors, coaches, mentors, judges, volunteers and participants! Let’s continue doing awesome stuff together! ;)

Organizing team — Tribe Tampere / photo credit Aino Siiroinen

Check more about:

Tribe Tampere:

Startup Weekend:

Startup Weekend Tampere:



Anna Pilch
Tribe’s stories

Psychologist passionate about sport,technology, design and human development. Enjoy working for startups, create, have fun and help others realize their dreams.