Adejoke Adunni
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2023

Despite the ups and downs of the crypto market, these are really interesting times for individuals interested in amassing wealth through NFT investing. Although this is a relatively new concept and a highly volatile investment option, enjoying the benefits can be highly rewarding. Just like any other kind of investment, pooling funds to achieve a goal is a possibility you can explore.

If you get familiar with most NFT projects, you will realize that they are quite capital-intensive to acquire. Does this mean that an average investor should miss out on the boundless opportunities in NFTs? An emphatic NO!

This has led to the emergence of NFT crowdfunding. In simple terms, NFT crowdfunding means pooling funds together with other interested investors to purchase non-fungible tokens.

However, here are some interesting facts you need to know about NFT crowdfunding before considering pooling funds with anyone;

Fact 1: A lower risk factor

NFT investing is one of the high-risk investments we have out there but with high risk comes an ‘insane’ amount of returns on investment. What happens when a project you recently invested in takes a hit? It’s a place anyone doesn’t want to be. Here is a reason crowdfunding can be cool for any investor. With crowdfunding, you don’t have to bear all the brunt when the project loses value. This is an excellent way to hedge your funds.

Fact 2: More Investment capital

As shared earlier, most promising NFT projects like DoodleApe, etc. require a lot of capital to purchase. This leaves a whole lot of interested investors unable to take advantage of the rewards these projects present. However, pooling funds with interested investors allows you to have access to that project. Amazing right?

Fact 3: Increase your wealth

If you are thinking about diversifying your investment portfolio, NFTs should have your interest at this moment. With NFTs, the Returns on Investments (ROI) are massive. However, you need that with massive ROIs comes high risk. For this reason, you need to increase your knowledge about the ecosystem and the project you will like to invest in. Simply look before you leap.

Fact 4: Leverage a trusted platform

Pooling funds with your ‘tribe’ is cool but you need a structure in place. Crowdfunding can be done in a very safe manner with all stakeholders protected. This is why you should not just pool funds into the purse of a seemingly trusted party, you can leverage a trusted platform where all stakeholders can sign-up and pool their funds for a particular project. Looking for one? Yeah! We got you. TRiBL is right here to solve this need. We are the #1 Crypto-powered social money-pooling platform. Explore us today and enjoy a great ride!

Fact 5: Expands your network

Crowdfunding also allows you to spread your funds across different projects. This is very exciting because the best thing you can do for yourself as an investor is to be strategic. Instead of spreading yourself thin by investing in a single project, you can split the capital across projects that excite you.

There are so many opportunities up for grabs as a digital asset investor and crowdfunding has made it much more attainable. Considering all these facts when crowdfunding enables you to smash your money goals.

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