Introducing Social Investor Clubs

Ikechi Nwabuisi
Published in
5 min readOct 18, 2022

The Importance of the JOBS Act

When President Obama signed the JOBS Act, the bipartisan bill became a landmark deal giving startups, small businesses, and entrepreneurs a more attainable way to acquire capital through crowdsourcing. The 3 prominent takeaways from the bill:

  • It allowed small businesses to harness “crowdfunding” through the internet democratizing access to capital
  • It expanded “mini public offerings” giving accredited and unaccredited investors access to deal flow
  • It created an “IPO on-ramp” for an emerging class on growth companies

In 2019, Dawn Dickson-Akphogene became the first black woman founder to raise over $2 million via crowdfunding. In an industry where less than 3% of VC funding going to Black & Brown entrepreneurs she was left with little choice to capitalize her growing business. She’s now raised over $5M via crowdfunding giving non-accredited investors the opportunity to invest in assets/businesses they didn’t traditionally have access to. Dawn is a rising example of the problem in VC and benefits to crowdsourcing capital.

But this was only the beginning..

The Rise of Investor DAOs

DAOs are the latest evolution for crowdsourcing capital across the internet. DAOs, decentralized autonomous organizations, are still relatively foreign concepts to emerging crypto investors. With a lack of legal structure and precedence in place, and a scattered and clunky set of tools, DAOs have only begun to unlock 1/100th of their actual value. That’s why we leverage “investor clubs”, their Web2 predecessors, to build a bridge between web2 and web3 investors.

Introducing Web2.5 Investor Clubs

Since investment clubs are member-driven, virtually any community can create one — and they’re generally not regulated by the SEC provided that they follow certain guidelines. For example, they can have up to 99 members, are invite-only, do not charge carry, and require everyone to participate in investment decisions. Angel Syndicates can form SPVs (special purpose vehicles) with up to 249 members.

At the end of 2021, we announced the release of our investor club product, allowing friends, angel investors, and web3 communities to create and manage an investment club as a DAO through a simple group chat. We help you turn your fraternity/sorority, alumni organization, or ERG groups into a DAO for free in less than a minute.

Investment clubs are groups of people who pool their capital to invest together, share ideas, learn together, increase buying power, share risk, and reduce transaction costs. They invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, art, collectible, and these days, startups, tokens, and NFTs. As tokens and NFTs are not equities, they uniquely support unaccredited investors looking to learn and earn together with little to no cost to get up and running.

Discord for DAOs

Coinbase’s former CTO, Balaji Srinivasan, put out a simple tweet helping to highlight the complexity of the DAO ecosystem.

Balaji insinuates the need for an all-in-one tool; a Discord for DAOs

As a final CTA, Balaji insinuates the need for an all-in-one app; a Slack or Discord for DAOs; we agreed, so we designed a frictionless onramp to mobilize investors into crypto.

Our social investor clubs allow you to manage your community, crowdsource payments of both FIAT and crypto via subscription, manage your treasury, & more in one-place. Transactions in our platform happen “off-chain” making it easy for groups to collect micropayments as they don’t have to deal with high gas fees. As members join your investor club, they’re granted access to a paywall protected channel to educate and discuss deal flow.

Easily collect payments for your treasury in a group chat

Every investor club has the ability to make their wallet multisig to ensure adequate security and community involvement are upheld. Need a quick snapshot of your investor club, check out “Treasury Management” to monitor the activities and stats around your club.

Manage your treasury

As investor clubs seek formal legal formation and/or the distribution of legal docs, we are able to point customers into the right direction to get legal paperwork in order.

Here are the early and most popular use cases:

  • NFT collector clubs: NFT collectors can pool capital as a group to attain fractional ownership in CryptoPunks, Aku, and other high-end NFT projects
  • Angel syndicates: Angel groups can pool capital to invest in startups, small businesses, and web3 projects
  • Pre-sale token onramps: About to release an NFT or token? Create an investor club as a pre-sale tool for your upcoming drop or token sale
  • DeFi onramps: Create an investor club to easily onramp investors to various DeFi protocols like Hyperverse, Compound, or Wonderland

Our platform is designed as an open network giving members the ability to easily discover relevant (recommended) investor clubs that connect with your affinities, friends, & more.

Discover recommended Investor Clubs for you

In fact, we started a couple of our own investor clubs!

  • TRIBLandDAO, a Pan-African NFT collectors club capturing 10,000 ETH worth of NFTs
  • TribeDAO, an angel syndicate of former Techstars alum and their friends looking to invest into early-stage Techstars and/or Web3 startups.

Download TRiBL today and create/join investor clubs that spark the interest of you and your friends! Here’s how to do it:

  1. Download TRiBL
  2. Activate your wallet
  3. Join or create an investor club
  4. Share your club’s invite link with friends

