Money and romantic relationships

Adejoke Adunni
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2023

An interesting music lyric reads, ‘love is sweet, but with money, it is sweeter’. Let’s discuss money and romantic relationships today. It’s no doubt that the topic of finances is very important in a relationship. There’s less pressure, you can afford to go on your exotic dates and vacations, etc.

There is no one key to success in any relationship, but common themes among strong relationships are shared values and common goals. And when the subject of personal finance arises, Hoffman suggests you’ll naturally begin to reveal your goals and values.

Here are 3 money rules for a romantic relationship

  • Communication: Talking about money could be very hard but it is extremely important to communicate with one another about topics such as your spending habits, your goals for the future, and any problems you might be facing financially. It’s possible you are very great with savings and investing for the future, while your partner is a live-in-the-moment kinda person. Not having clear communication could cause friction in your relationship.
  • Honesty: Always be honest, they’re gonna find out if you lie anyways. Be transparent with your partner about your current financial status, debt, loans, credit history, and any spending habits you may have — especially if they could be detrimental to your future together. If you are not honest with your partner about your finances this can cause a lot of tension and uncertainty in your relationship.
  • Financial goals: It is important to have clear financial goals to maintain a successful relationship. Discuss with your partner any individual and joint financial goals for the month, year, or even further down the line. Then you want to begin discussing the plan that will enable you to achieve these financial goals. Your partner can serve as your accountability partner in achieving your goal.

With the TRiBL app, you can pool money together with your partners and friends towards achieving your investments, vacation, etc goals. Click on this link to subscribe to our newsletter and download the TRiBL app now!

