How classic email marketing lost the “war” to AI based solutions in 3 years

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5 min readMar 17, 2018


The IT world is up to change soon. AI implementation in different products was a problem throughout the year, because of insufficient computing power of particular GPU(Graphics Processing Unit) and total absence of TPUs(Tensor Processing Units), that are used to train deep neural networks at lightning speeds. In 2017 NVIDIA has released its first consumer grade graphics card Titan V based on Volta architecture that increased deep learning efficiency roughly tenfold comparing to the previous years.

This technological breakthrough laid the solid foundation for development of the next-gen AI software, that is flexible, powerful and capable to resolve many business problems.

One of the problems in classic email marketing field is lack of in-depth users’ behaviour analysis that prevents business owners from creating very personalized email blasts, that convert much better, because huge data volume can be handled efficiently only by AI and no existing email platform nowadays is capable to perform that.

One of the platforms that goes with the time is Triggmine, it’s the first company on the market to implement artificial intelligence in process of creating email marketing campaigns that are fully automated. So how then classic email platforms slowly loses competition?

Back to the roots

Back in mid 2000s, old email marketing services were providing a very narrow choice of instruments to communicate with audiences, those were pretty straightforward tools, that you could use only to make simple email campaigns and set up blast schedule. You had to spent countless hours to prepare and segment audiences by age, gender and other parameters to run an effective blast. Then in 2010s new trigger based platforms started to appear on the market, that was breakthrough at that time, no other instruments were capable to follow up customers on every step from the registration to retention automatically, that is very effective tool even nowadays.

And still the same question was floating in the air among service providers — How we can fully automate all email marketing blasts and make them personalized, so we can increase revenues? The answer was clear, it’s AI. But back then that was a problem to implement that, because it was very expensive, ineffective and computing powers were insufficient to train deep neural networks fast. So everyone had to wait more time until technology gets accessible.

Technological Revolution and why we implement AI?

In order to train deep neural networks effectively we have to provide enough of data for analysis and sufficient computing powers to process that data. And the only missing piece of the puzzle was cost-effective hardware.

Starting from TESLA microarchitecture, NVIDIA was trying to develop a hardware that will be not so expensive on the market and powerful enough to be used in deep learning. Throughout the years they were trying to reduce number of transistors on chip to achieve the same 1 million deep learning operation per second, here you can see the difference between KEPLER (K40), MAXWELL(M40), PASCAL(P40) and VOLTA(V100) microarchitectures(lesser is better):

Roughly, new NVIDIA VOLTA microarchitecture provided unprecedented growth in deep learning processing speed almost by 10x comparing to KEPLER. And the secret behind that are 640 Tensor Cores that were imbedded into the Titan V chip.

In context of Triggmine, neural network will analyze customers’ behaviour and predict most effective strategies to engage with customers, that’s where Volta comes into play.

For the first time in history, email marketing platform will be capable of analyzing hundreds of different scenarios, patterns and ways how it can convert customer easier. And that’s the critical point where old email marketing platforms loses the competition, it just can’t run different scenarios and build very personalized blasts. AI is capable to do A/B testing in non-stop mode, analyzing all numbers 1000s of times faster than human being can and find insights that were hidden before. With AI technology revolution and increased processing speeds it became possible in 3 years to change the whole industry and start implementing AI in different products as well.

Triggmine technology and its benefits.

Triggmine is an intelligent system for email marketing automation based on blockchain technology and smart contracts. The service allows eCommerce entrepreneurs to run cost-efficient email marketing campaigns by using an AI-driven system. The smart contract guarantees no charge for services if marketing result predicted by AI is not reached.

In order to create effective email campaigns, AI will be taking into account a variety of parameters, such as:

  • User behavior (purchase history, response history to emails, and life cycle value)
  • Store parameters (industry, purchase history, number of customers, and reactions to previous mailings)
  • Time (week of the year, weekend/holidays, etc.), store, user location, etc
  • Demographics (age, occupation, ethnicity, location, income, personality type, special conditions)
  • Item parameters (price, type of the item, color, size and etc)

When AI starts processing large chunks of data, it will be segmenting audiences into micro-clusters, based on parameters described above. Those micro-clusters are ultra-targeted audiences whom will be addressed specially crafted incentives, that lead to increased conversions because AI gives an offer that customer truly wants.

AI will be analyzing those parameters in non-stop mode, constantly A/B testing different scenarios and ways how it can increase conversions, retention and revenues.

System will be executed on Blockchain and smart contracts, this will allow to create a new type of the service where entrepreneur pays only for the result he gets. For example, AI has analyzed an Ecommerce store and offered a 4% percent increase in conversion rates, let’s consider this number is reached in 2 weeks. In case system doesn’t fulfil smart contract obligations, Ecommerce business doesn’t pay anything for that. Moreover, system will be ran on Ethereum based Blockchain with special TRG tokens that are used to pay for the services.

Triggmine launches ICO

Project is the future of email marketing and it currently launches token sale. Raised funds will be used to develop an AI infrastructure and smart contract release. That’s the first platform on the market where AI will be implemented in every aspect of the solution.

