How self learning algorithms increase conversions in email marketing. Behind the magic of tech.

Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2018


The world around us is changing at a breakneck pace.

Every day something new appears on the market — new phones, cars, gadgets, technologies, software and many other things. Despite this newness, most of these are created by humans. But we are entering a new era where AI will take over many aspects of production in different industries.

Self-learning algorithms are the key to many such solutions. Programmed specifically to resolve some sophisticated tasks, they can shed the light on many hidden insights in medicine, physics, chemistry and other areas. This has huge potential to open up new horizons and solutions for businesses of all kinds. Most of all, this will have a major impact on marketers. For a long time, marketers have lacked access to deep behavioral analysis that self-learning algorithms can easily provide.

Enter Triggmine.

Using blockchain and Smart Contract technologies, we are developing the means to integrate AI into email marketing to provide the competitive edge for E-commerce businesses. But how does it work? Let’s take a step back to find out.

Does old mean ineffective?

Do you remember 2009? More specifically, do you remember how companies were doing email marketing back then? — It wasn’t great.

Companies would wait until they got an emailing list big enough to segment the audience manually into different parts, based on demographics like age, gender, income, and others. Marketers would spend countless hours processing this data and analyzing customers’ behavior manually, a slow and time-consuming process.

Was it effective? — for 2009, yes it was effective. But for 2018, it’s not, even though many companies still employ the same process. In 2018, the best email marketers focus on variables like time of the day, price sensitivity, ethnicity and other sophisticated parameters when sending emails. For the most part, this is still done manually and based off “best-guess” scenarios rather than hard data. AI will change all of that.

The promise of AI

Until now, no company has tapped AI to solve this email marketing problem, with the greatest hindrance holding back AI being computing power. No longer.

In recent years, the technological giant NVIDIA has, for the first time, presented revolutionary hardware — both the DGX-1 and others. This new hardware contains Tensor Cores that speed up deep-learning algorithms almost 10x times. At Triggmine, we recognized the opportunity that this could bring to our email platform and jumped on board with an idea of a full-scale upgrade of their email platform based on these nascent AI technologies.

“The future begins now“

With the computing power issue solved, AI email marketing is now possible. Here’s how our magic works.

Imagine for a second you have an online store and every day thousands of people are making purchases there. Besides their email address, during purchase, they leave a valuable mix of data that most of the marketers leave behind, thinking it’s not important, such as:

  • Personal( Price sensitivity, time they visit the website, frequently viewed items, colors they prefer, types of the items they like)
  • Special Events (Their location, weather conditions in that location, news in this location)
  • Demographics (Ethnicity, language, occupation, education)
  • And many other sophisticated variables

Your store and thousands of others are connected to one ecosystem that divides every business into categories and subcategories where all look-a-like data is being stored. Then AI takes data not only from your store, but from hundreds of similar stores and starts segmenting your email list in an unbelievable way.

Your audience is segmented into micro-clusters of look-a-like people with similar behavior, interests, and traits- both from your store AND others, making the data even more precise. For example, you have a list of 100,000 emails, and normally you would divide this audience manually into 5–20 look-a-like clusters. But AI can divide it into an unimaginable 5000(!) look-a-like micro-clusters. This means that makes every email you send is now super-targeted, allowing you to tap directly into customers preferences. Now you know exactly what customers want, not what you think they want. And guess what? — conversion rate increases exponentially.

After the email blast, AI then analyses how the marketing campaign performed and starts adjusting other parameters like: the title of the email, description, mix of items, creative, colors used and other parameters. And then it blasts again, acquiring new data and adjusting all parameters once more until it reaches the goal you set. The cycle is infinite, without overloading your customers.

To add to this mix, our AI email platform will be tailored to a unique payment system that is based on Blockchain and Smart-Contract technologies. Our system allows users to pay only for the marketing results they get. So, if AI doesn’t reach a user’s goals — the user doesn’t pay anything.

So, What Next?

We are the first email marketing service on the market that will implement self-learning algorithms via AI. Currently, we are the only ones who plan to do so. Using our technology, companies will able to run unimaginably effective email marketing campaigns and get even more conversions than before. The possibilities that we see ahead of us are indeed endless.

