Meet the Triggmine team

Published in
6 min readMay 22, 2018

It’s been a super busy period for all of us in the lead up to the Token Pre-Sale. We would love to unveil a few details about the people behind the Triggmine project and have our key team share some secrets about themselves and why they are proud of Triggmine.

Our Founders

Igor Solovyov

Co-founder, Business Strategist

Experience: Igor has 17 years in business development, marketing, project management, and product development strategy. He spent five years as a CEO for UniSender, and specializes in high-tech startup growth, scale-ups of product value, and conquering new sales markets.

Why I am proud of the Triggmine project: Triggmine was created to help businesses perform better. We have spent almost five years developing our state-of-the-art project that resulted in a successful alpha launch. We combined the most cutting-edge technologies available in the market now.

Max Solovyov

Co-founder, Sales & Marketing Strategist

Experience: Max has 22 years of experience in business development, sales and strategy in eCommerce. He spent five years as Head of Sales in UniSender and specializes in international sales in the IT industry.

Why I am proud of the Triggmine project: I have applied my best knowledge, extensive experience, as well as new AI technologies into solutions implemented in the Triggmine product. It is an extremely user-friendly and effective marketing tool. I have no doubts it will be among the most popular and sought out marketing solutions very soon. AI brings the future closer.

Our Business Team

Den Chikalov

Chief Operating Officer

Experience: Den has 13 years of experience in marketing, project management, business and product development. He has spent eight years in C-level Executive Positions, five years in startups, and four years in eCommerce. Before heading the operating efforts in Triggmine, Den has worked as a Chief Marketing Officer in one of the 100 Fastest Growing Private SaaS Companies. He managed to bring a newly launched startup to success in a record short time. Den contributes to the digital marketing industry with the publications in prominent online media and personal blog.

Why I am proud of the Triggmine project: I am a professional marketer with a long history of management experience and more than fifty publications on how to make a business story thriving and attractive to both the end users and investors. I applied all my life-hack magic in this project, and I am proud of work our team has managed to do. Triggmine won’t save the world, but it will save time and money of thousands of businesses to get results with fewer efforts.

Serhii Myrko

Head of Development

Experience: Serhii has more than 10 years of Business/ Functional Analysis experience in retail and software product companies. He spent 10 years employed as a team lead and has five years of project management experience. He specializes in gathering, analyzing and documenting business requirements and developing specifications as well as writing and implementing software test scenarios, test cases, running different types of tests and many more.

Why I am proud of the Triggmine project: Triggmine brings vibes, comfortable handling, and cool analytics to l marketing, where there is always a demand for a “better’” marketing service. Artificial intelligence now provides lots of opportunities and is the perfect for!
I am really happy to be a part of the team. We are free to innovate and research and test ideas without fear of failure.

Roman Krutko

Senior Data Scientist & Software Product Manager

Experience: Roman has more than 10 years of experience in project management and business analysis. He specializes in the development of large-scale accounting, production planning, and costing software, quality management and certificate of products software. Roman is also proficient in material management and stock-taking software, generating reports, and updating cost balance.

Why I am proud of the Triggmine project: The whole team strongly believes in what we are doing at Triggmine. AI implemented in Triggmine will help to learn and identify customers behavior to trigger marketing communication leading to the desired financial results.

Our Digital Team

Igor Stavytskyi

Senior Software Engineer

Experience: Ihor has more than five years of experience as a senior software engineer. He is proficient in building client-server, web and desktop applications at enterprise-scale and specializes in .NET, C#, C++ and SQL.

Why I am proud of the Triggmine project: AI is currently the most advanced technology and I am thrilled to be involved in Triggmine project as it is a great opportunity to play with AI, which allows everything to be automated. Human marketers are cool, but algorithms work with no mistakes and no vacations.

Stas Havryliuk

Chief Partnership & Customer Officer

Experience: Stas has 5 years of working experience in SaaS and outsourcing development companies. Combining expertise in marketing, sales, customer and investors relations makes him a professional goal-oriented team-player who is responsible for partnership agreements, IR and community management.

Why I am proud of the Triggmine project: As a big fan of blockchain and crypto enthusiast I am happy to be a part of the project that will change the whole marketing automation industry. I believe that with blockchain and machine learning combination, we will resolve the main problems of a fresh businessman — lack of expertise and security of data. Besides, I love the fact that I work with a powerful team of serial entrepreneurs.

Tonya Makarenko

Chief Content Officer

Experience: Tonya is a chief content officer with three years of experience in project management, marketing, and communications. She specializes in devising a long-term content strategy and ensuring all content is on-brand, consistent in style, quality, and tone of voice. Tonya applies her exceptional attention to detail to provide best user experience with all channels of content.

Why I am proud of the Triggmine project: I really love my colleagues and my job. Each day I share experiences with the team and deepen my knowledge about the cutting age technologies we are using. I see the significant potential of Triggmine in AI tailored messages for a particular niche or person. All small business owners will appreciate how Triggmine will make the communication as personified as never before.

Alex Kagan

Head of Performance Marketing

Experience: Alex is a Head of performance marketing with three years of experience in digital marketing, project management, and eCommerce. He specializes in customer acquisition and management of paid marketing channels and building marketing funnels.

Why I am proud of the Triggmine project: I am certain of the future commercial success of Triggmine. The platform can segment and target audiences using “natural language technology to select words for subject lines, body copy and calls-to-action. This way, the message not only sounds like it has been written by a human, but is also consistent with the language generally used by the e-commerce business. Do we have market competitors? No, at least not now.

