Taking the SAAS market. How will the email marketing industry break new records?

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3 min readMay 3, 2018

The world has changed. Do you remember the times when you installed software on your computer and the process was mundane? Now, most software is stored on cloud services and can be accessed over the internet — it’s called SaaS(Software as a Service). It has dramatically changed the way we use software and made our work much easier, more manageable and more accessible from different devices. Currently, the market for SaaS is rapidly growing, because more software is being provided online than offline. It has great potential to increase its market capitalization in a short timeframe because more services are now provided online. So, let’s get into detail about how exactly the market will expand and what’s going to happen next.

How can the SaaS market break new records?

We have just entered an era when thousands of SaaS companies are creating their own solutions that fit the goals of every business. Why they do that? The reasons are — accessibility of the service, which can be used on different devices simultaneously; the newest and most secure protocols, and seamless technology updates. Cloud software doesn’t need to be installed nor upgraded by the user and problems rarely occur on the client side. Companies are especially interested in creating such products as we live in the digital age, with more devices getting connected to the Internet each day, providing an opportunity for SaaS companies to resolve different business problems across all industries. Venture capitalists, private equity, asset managers, hedge funds and a wide range of investors are fueling the growth of the industry. The emerging SaaS industry market generates $55.15bn annually and is expected to grow to $76bn by 2020.

Email Marketing — Market Analysis

The global marketing automation software market is driven by factors such as growing demand for digital customer experience, customer scoring systems, and an increased need for personalized automated e-mails. Future marketing automation platforms are expected to be more intelligent and capable of accommodating more specialized applications through predictive integrations, thus making automation platforms more usable for delivering relevant recommendations to marketers. The global marketing automation software market is expected to grow from US$3.65 billion in 2014 to US$5.5 billion in 2019 at a CAGR of 8.55%. In 2021, it is expected to reach US$8.61 billion, with a CAGR of 9.32% between 2017 and 2025.

Triggmine’s cut of the market.

Due to the fact that no other email marketing platforms are currently developing AI solutions, we have huge potential to get the biggest cut of the market. Our sophisticated AI algorithms allow e-commerce businesses to get higher conversion rates, using new personalization methods to predict customers’ needs, behavior and other important parameters. Moreover, companies will spend less on email marketers’ salaries and save more on budgets to build other important aspects of their business. Accompanied with the fact that global retail ecommerce sales will reach $4.5 trillion by 2021, the market will flock to our innovative solution because it provides an indisputable advantage over the old email marketing platforms.

