Triggmine is GDPR Сompliant

Published in
4 min readMay 29, 2018

Your mailbox is probably overfilled with the emails informing about the GDPR standards of particular digital service. Triggmine, which certainly complies with the European Data Protection Regulation, has gone further. Today we will briefly analyze the importance of the new standards of data privacy and explain what is so crucial about the protection of our users’ personal data as per European laws.

What is “personal data”?
As per Art. 4 GDPR, “Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by the name, an identification number, location data and online identifiers (addresses, phone numbers, and IP addresses), and more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person”. That covers biometrics such as fingerprint, iris recognition, face, and genetic data.

Why should this be important for you?

  • As a business, most companies with 250+ employees should care handling data on EU citizens as the failure to comply will be very costly with penalties up to €20 million or 4% of annual company turnover. The storage and processing of data rather than its collection require now an additional investment to provide all the measures in place.
  • As a user of online services, you should care to choose providers who can protect your personal data not to be used against you in case of being stolen or transferred to a third party (or even a third country or an international organization). You will get a better control how info about you is used and more consumer rights such as the right to be informed, delete your data, restrict processing, correct errors, take it elsewhere as well as the right to access it any time.

What will we do?

Triggmine will accordingly provide our customers’ personal data protection at its best:

  • We inform our customers about what data we are collecting about them, how we are going to use it and how long Triggmine will store it.
  • No tricks, no hidden ticked boxes. Once we collect any customers’ personal data for our marketing purposes, clients will have to agree with their own choice.
  • We have performed an audit of the clients’ data that we are currently storing and updated our operations to match the new regulation. We also revised our privacy policy documents and emailed our GDPR Privacy Notice to all our clients.
  • We have also revised our existing mailing lists to bring in line with GDPR regulation and requested the specific consent for each person on the list.
  • Triggmine customers’ personal data is protected. We use malware protection, data backups, passwords, and encryption.
  • If our customer requests to destroy information we keep on him/her, we will delete it within a 30-day period.
  • Upon our customer’s request, we will show all the data we have on him/her within a 30-day period.
  • We made the data we have on our customers portable, so it can be available at any time to be transferred to a third party.
  • We have assigned one of our team members to be responsible for GDPR compliance and keeping up in line with all the further updates. If there are any security breaches, we will disclose this fact publicly.

Any concerns left?

There are many. It is not clear how to proceed with marketing communications. We should encrypt and apply passwords for all images, texts, and other files before sending them into any marketing channel. Moreover, how to share the password? It must be submitted separately through a different messaging platform. Alternatively, if we upload images, texts, and other files on some online platform simply to share the link with our customers how we can guarantee the third party compliance to GDPR? Unless it is a European platform.

There are many dark spots left, and hopefully it will be more clear soon what are the best GDPR practices. GDPR has entered into force a few days ago, on May 25, 2018.

Triggmine Safety Standards

Cyber attackers can gain access to your data, and then to your smartphone and computer, and eventually to your money. In Triggmine we do take the best care to keep nuggets of our corporate data as well as our customers’ data on the safe side. It is not only because we have clients from the EU and we have to comply to the European legislation. As a decentralized service we offer the most secure way to operate.‘Trustless’ is the feature that makes any blockchain platform invulnerable and attractive for business.

