Social Media Has Peaked In Portraying Girl Power And Female Friendships

Teylor Graves
Trill Mag
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2023

Who runs the world?

Credit: Shutterstock/StratfordProductions

In today’s world, especially in pop culture, being a girl has become more empowering than ever. From social media to music to film, women have made their presence in the best way possible. We have officially entered the girls’ girl era. Between Barbie, Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, Susannah’s and Laurel’s friendship from The Summer I Turned Pretty, and the viral ‘girl dinner’ and ‘girl math’ trends on TikTok and Instagram; girls are definitely ruling the world. As Shania Twain once said, “Man! I feel like a woman!” And it couldn’t be truer. This portrayal of girl power and female friendship has such a positive impact on women everywhere.

The Barbie Trend

Barbie has been a literal showstopper, and everyone on social media knows it. Credit: Shutterstock/Alena A

Lifting up women has always been revolutionary, but nowadays, it’s something you see on a daily. Women encouraging and relating to women. Girls supporting girls. When Barbie first hit the theaters, people on TikTok and Instagram used a very popular audio that captures the core of being a girl. “It is literally impossible being a woman,” is the beginning of Gloria’s emotional speech about how difficult it is to be a woman in today’s society. Where the expectations are extremely unrealistic and conflicting.

This speech brings every Barbie together to take down the Kens of the Barbie world. Representing the epitome of girl power and female friendships. In addition, Billie Eilish’s song for the Barbie soundtrack, “What Was I Made For,” has also been very popular across social media where girls are sharing the hardships of beauty standards and how a girl should act. Many women are relating to these videos and giving girl power a whole new meaning. It’s not only been influential, but also rebelling against the male gaze.

The Swiftie Effect

Social Media has been praising Taylor Swift, and she is a great influence on women. Credit: Shutterstock/Brian Friedman

Furthermore, another highlight of girl power in the 21st century is Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour. Many girls having posted on social media attending the Queen of Pop’s concert. Taylor Swift has not only strung her guitar strings but also the heartstrings of thousands of fans. Songs such as “Nothing New,” and “Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve” showcase many empowering lyrics about feminism that women can relate to. She single-handedly captures what it’s like to be a girl with her remarkable word choice, which can be seen all across TikTok and Instagram.

People are belting out her songs in the car with their best friend. Doing chores around the house, or just using her lyrics as an audio to create relatable content. This proves that Taylor Swift is a powerful force in the entertainment industry. She truly knows how to write for women. Her fans (the Swifties) even make friendship bracelets and trade with one another, amplifying the power of female friendships. The craze is all over social media. And it’s so effective that everyone is aware of how women are taking their place in society.

“There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen. I had a marvelous time ruinin’ everything.”

Taylor Swift ~ “The Last Great American Dynasty”

The Platonic Soulmate

Soulmates aren’t always romantic. Credit: Shutterstock/Dasha Petrenko.

Another piece of evidence that social media is at an all-time peak with girlhood, can be seen in one of the most popular TV shows that premiered this past summer — The Summer I Turned Pretty. Season 1 and 2 illustrates the beauty behind female friendships. The mothers of the show, Susannah and Laurel, are two single moms trying to raise teenagers and navigating life while maintaining their relationship. It’s a profound sisterhood that has inspired many girls to post videos about their lifelong best friend.

On TikTok and Instagram, accounts show a video of them and their best friend being together with a caption that normally says, “Some people have found their Jeremiah/Conrad, but I found my Susannah.” And if you’re familiar with the show, you know that this is an exquisite portrayal of intimacy within a female friendship. It shows girls how guys can come and go, but once you’ve found your other half — your sister by choice — then it conquers all. It’s one of the most important relationships that a girl could have. Nantar Ferris, a close friend, said,

“The way I rate relationships such as familial, platonic, and romantic, I put my family and friends as a priority. As far as female friendships it’s very important and allows me to grow and bond with another girl who I trust. I also feel safe with my female friends because it gives me a whole other level of emotional freedom. Sometimes when you’re going through something the world could make you feel crazy or delusional but having a female friendship who validates you makes me realize that I’m not alone. There’s a motherly and sisterhood bond that comes from these relationships. My best friend is my safe haven and the Susannah to my Laurel. We’ve built a life together and have a strong bond.”

Nantar Ferris

Girl Things

A “girl dinner” could look like this. Credit: Shutterstock/RossHelen.

Lastly, the famous videos of “girl dinner” and “girl math” are popular trends showing on people’s ‘for you page.’ So, I believe it’s safe to say that girls are thriving and literally taking on the world. The trends about “girl dinner” and “girl math” share the simplicity of what makes sense about being a woman. For example, a “girl dinner” could be butter noodles with French fries or a pizza with a red wine. And “girl math” could be paying for an expensive concert a year in advance. Then, once the date for the actual concert arrives, it’s almost as if the concert was free since it was purchased a year ago.

It’s these little things that women can share, experience, and relate to one another that keeps these videos trendy on social media. One of the most beautiful things about this girls’ era is that it creates a community where women can be themselves and feel comfortable with it. It enhances the girl power and female friendships even further.

To Conclude

In conclusion, social media has been uplifting women in many ways from TikTok, Instagram, film, and music. Being a girls’ girl has now become a goal and priority in women’s lives. It’s a powerful movement that we’ve been seeing and could very well be our modern wave of feminism.



Teylor Graves
Trill Mag

Besides writing and reading, I love dancing, hiking, running, stay-cations, and board games.