Summer Hobbies To Get Away From Technology

Ellie Heyerdahl
Trill Mag
Published in
5 min readJun 10, 2024

With summer quickly approaching here are some fun hobbies to get you off your phone in order to lower screen time!

Shutterstock/Dragon Images

In the bright year of 2024, we do almost everything on our phones. With school ending and summer starting, it is the perfect time to get away from our phones and enjoy what is around us. Here are a few hobbies to get your screen time down this summer!

How Does Screen Time Affect Teens And Young Adults?

Today, the main worry about screen time is how it affects children. It’s changing their behavior and altering their development. But how does it affect those who are close to or already done developing? For teens and young adults, the side effects of screen time are more subtle and normally take place within their mental health.

Many teens and young adults use their phones for social media to keep up with their peers and current events. This makes their normal screen time amount larger than that of other generations. In an article by Adventist Health, depression, anxiety, and body image issues are some of the leading side effects of too much screen time. Sleep is also a huge thing affected by screen time. Our phones and other screens emit blue light, which makes our bodies want to stay awake. Adventist Health states,

“the blue light that is emitted inhibits their bodies from secreting melatonin and they get less REM sleep, which can affect short-term memory.”

Adventist Health

Sleep is also connected to our mental health, so both of these things being harmed by too much screen time can result in a mental health disaster. But this doesn’t mean you need to completely get rid of your screen time.

No more doomscrolling this summer! | Credit: Shutterstock/Stock Unit

Screen time in moderation is okay for our brains; the recommended amount is 1–3 hours daily. However, that may be a bit of a cutback for most of Gen Z, so Adventist Health recommends attempting to cut screen time back by 25% first and then go from there.

Overall, social media is a huge part of our society, and it’s hard to get away from. It keeps us connected with our friends and family while helping users stay updated on current events. The summer is a perfect time to have a screentime detox. Most, if not all, of the hobbies I will be recommending are low-stress, which can improve your mental health as well as lower your screen time. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone!


Reading has been all the craze lately. With things like BookTok becoming so popular, reading has been easier than ever to get into. While you may think you need your phone to find what books are most popular right now, I recommend just walking into a bookstore and finding something that interests you. Some of my favorite books have never been mentioned on BookTok. If you really want to take it up another level, you could ask the employees what they recommend. Normally, book lovers work in bookstores and are perfect sources to find a good read.

Reading can be very low-stress and relaxing. One can find themselves getting lost in the words on the pages in the same way one would in a ten-minute story time Tik Tok. There are so many different genres with even more specific sub-genres that they are perfect for anyone!

Reading is also great because it gives your brain a little workout, in a way it’s like taking your brain on a walk. It’s the perfect two-in-one for those who want something productive and fun!

If you want to get into reading, check out this article to find your next read!


Another hobby that has been around for ages is crafting. Nowadays, there are so many different ways to craft, and it’s more accessible than ever. You could do anything from crocheting to diamond painting. Crafting is a calming hobby that is good for destressing. Many of us fill our summers with forty-hour work weeks, internships, research, and maybe even taking classes; so this destresser is needed.

Sometimes these different crafts are done while watching a movie or TV show, but you can also do them with music or a good podcast playing in the background. Personally, I find myself getting lost within whatever craft I’m doing to the point where I don’t hear the music or podcast anymore. Sometimes it’s just nice not to sit in silence.

Crafting can give you a sense of accomplishment. The hard work and creativity in crafting are normally produced into a physical item. So while you may feel like a grandma while knitting or crocheting, think of all the cute tote bags or winter scarves you can make. Between things like coloring pages and duct tape creations, the options are endless for crafting! Find what works best for you and destress.


We all say we are going to work on our “summer bodies” once May hits, but how often does that happen? Between work, social lives, and other factors it can be hard to find time for physical activity. However, it can be very beneficial to take a break from your phone to go on a walk or hit the gym.

A common theme of these hobbies is that they benefit your overall well-being and lower your screen time. Summer is the perfect time to channel your inner Challengers character and pick up tennis or its close relative pickleball. You could start biking, running, or even swimming. The options are endless!

Art from “Challengers” catching the ball | Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios

Setting down your phone to work out is a great habit to have for the fall. When the sun starts to set earlier and our moods dampen quicker, an endorphin boost given from physical activity is the perfect solution.

Start that 12, 3, 30, or take your dog on a daily walk and enjoy those around you! We often forget about the world directly in front of us and focus more on our screens. However, in reality, we have something just as entertaining right outside our homes.

In Conclusion

Summer is a great time to work on yourself. The weather and vibes are nice, so try something new! The hobbies listed above are just the tip of the iceberg. It’s important to lower screen time while it’s not too late. Our mental health will thank us. So, knock out two birds with one stone while relaxing with your new hobby, which also gets you off your phone!

If you want to discover more hobbies or other activities that don’t involve a screen, check out this article! Enjoy your free time this summer, and get off your phone!

