Why Alternative Medicine Is Gaining Popularity Among Gen Z

Ella Shauman
Trill Mag
Published in
6 min readMay 21, 2024

As Gen Zers are very mental health conscious and avid fans of self-care, many are gravitating to more holistic and preventative forms of care

Western medicine on the left half and alternative medicine on the right.
Alternative medicine is gaining popularity with younger generations, as many want healthcare to be more holistic and nurturing. Credit: Shutterstock/Inna Dodor

When many hear ‘alternative medicine’ they think of (and swear by) crystals, acupuncture, and CBD oil. But what is it actually? Alternative medicine is any treatment to help cure or manage an illness that is not your standard medical treatment. An alternative treatment can be following a specific diet to help treat a mental illness.

Gen Z is one generation that has become increasingly open to exploring other possibilities when it comes to health care. One possible explanation may be that the approach alternative medicine takes falls more in line with the younger generations’ values. A study by Oliver Wyman Forum found that 4 out of 10 Gen Zers have experimented with at least one form of alternative medicine. Additionally, the study found that Gen Z views health care as “self-care,” and they “are motivated and open-minded consumers who want their healthcare to be holistic, convenient and nurturing.”

Now, if you are as fascinated (or curious) as I am about what alternatives are out there and how they work, below I have compiled some of the most common and most practiced branches of alternative medicine.

Mind-Body Therapies

Mind-body therapies are a popular and important branch of alternative medicine, one you probably know well. These therapies work to strengthen the mind-body connection through meditation, tai-chi, yoga, breathing techniques, massage, and more. This type of therapy focuses on reducing your stress levels to help facilitate healing. According to an article published by the University of Minnesota, stress can suppress your immune system and “contribute to serious diseases such as high blood pressure, heart irregularities, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, digestive disorders, mental health issues, diminished fertility, and diabetes.”

man meditating
Alternative medicine is on the rise as it produces minimal side effects and works to help the body heal naturally. Credit: Shutterstock/everst

Mind-body therapies can be helpful additions to conventional medical treatments as they can aid the body’s natural healing powers. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center warns this branch of alternative medicine is primarily for the dedicated, as daily practice is needed to get the full benefits.

Ayurvedic Healing

Now, this form of ancient Indian medicine is along the same vein as the mind-body therapies above. This natural system of medicine also works to balance a person’s body, mind, and spirit. According to a WebMD article reviewed by Jabeen Begum, MD, Ayurveda healers believe everything is connected. If you’re in harmony with the universe, then you’re healthy. But if something throws your balance off, like your climate, age, emotions, or injuries, then you can get sick.

Ayurveda practitioners believe everyone is composed of the five basic elements: space, air, water, fire, and earth. The article goes on to explain that “these combine in the human body to form three life forces, or energies, called doshas. They control how your body works. They are vata dosha (space and air); pitta dosha (fire and water); and kapha dosha (water and earth).” Practitioners also believe everyone has a unique ratio of the three doshas. While one dosha is usually stronger than the others, “it’s believed that your chances of getting sick — and the health issues you develop — are linked to the balance of your doshas.”

According to a John Hopkins article, Ayurveda looks to address whatever may be causing your imbalances, both internally and externally, through “an internal purification process,” specialized diets, herbal remedies, massage, yoga, and meditation.

Woman getting a massage
Massages aren’t just for spas. They are an old and effective therapy to help reduce symptoms from a variety of aliments and to promote relaxation. Credit: Shutterstock/yurakrasil

According to the John Hopkins article, Ayurveda is as respected and unquestionable in India as conventional Western medicine is in the United States. In India, Ayurveda practitioners even undergo state-recognized training. This branch of alternative medicine tries to heal by getting rid of impurities, building resistance to disease, reducing stress and symptoms, and creating harmony in your life.

Ayurvedic healing herbs and medicines have to be handled carefully, as they have not been studied and may be harmful when used incorrectly. Due to a lack of study Ayurvedic treatments are thought of as dietary supplants as opposed to medical drugs. They can have positive effects when used in combination with traditional Western medicine.

Chinese Medicine

Those who practice Chinese medicine also believe in energies for healing. This time, instead of doshas, it’s yin and yang (opposing energy forces). A Britannica medical article claims this branch of alternative medicine has been around for at least 23 centuries. This medical system aims to prevent and heal disease by maintaining or restoring your yin (passive) and yang (active) balance. Chinese medicinal partitioners will try to help you find balance through herbal remedies, acupuncture, massage therapy, tea, and more.

acupuncture doll with Chinese chart
While acupuncture hasn’t been scientifically proven, many have found relief using this alternative treatment. Credit: Shutterstock/QinJin

Chinese medicine works using the body’s qi and meridians. The meridians are invisible channels that your body’s qi (“vital breath”) flows through. Britannica says, “This energy network connects organs, tissues, veins, nerves, cells, atoms, and consciousness itself.” The 12 different meridians connect to 12 different major organs. In acupuncture (or massage if you’re squeamish about needles) the different meridians are stimulated to “readjust the flow of qi to balance the body’s yin and yang.”

Chinese medical practitioners will typically use “smell, hearing, voice vibration, touch, and pulse diagnosis” to help understand and locate the source of an unbalanced health condition. Additionally, they can find out what organs and meridians are affected and how they should correct them. Like the therapies above, Chinese medicine can be helpful when used under the guidance of professionals and in addition to standard medical treatment. In fact, according to a Chinese Medicine and Culture article, Chinese medicine (acupuncture specifically) has been on the rise since the 1970s and “is increasingly used and covered by health insurance” in the United States.


Naturopathy is a system of medicine that relies on natural remedies to help your body heal itself. Popular treatments include nutrition, massage, acupuncture, breathing, and herbal remedies.

dried herbs
Herbal remedies come from all natural ingredients like leaves, roots, and flowers. Credit: Shutterstock/fanjianhua

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, naturopaths follow six basic philosophies. Number one: do no harm. Number two: identify and treat the cause. This refers to a naturopath treating the root cause of a disease or illness instead of just focusing on the symptoms. Number three: Treat the whole person. Naturopaths believe health is tied not just to a person’s genetic, mental, emotional, or physical states but also to their environmental and social components. Thus, it’s crucial a naturopath take all of this into consideration when treating a patient. Number 4: The healing power of the human body. Number 5: Prevention is the best cure. Finally, number six: the belief that the physician’s main job is to teach, empower, and motivate their patients to take responsibility for their own well-being.

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, naturopaths are licensed and regulated in 14 states. And there is a movement to license them on a national level instead of by state.

It’s important to be careful if you choose to take herbal remedies as all herbs have pharmacologic properties. It’s important that you consult your doctor before starting any herbal remedies or supplements. Although the use of plants and herbal remedies is the original medicine and has been around for a long time, there has not been much scientific study into the effectiveness of herbal cures. However, some people find them extremely helpful and effective; just check with your doctor first!

Have you ever tried alternative medicine? Let us know in the comments below!



Ella Shauman
Trill Mag
Writer for

Ella is an English major at the University of Michigan. When she isn't studying she enjoys writing and researching the latest products, trends, and news.