Building Low-Cost Video Conferencing Solution On GCP

Saqib Awan
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2021

Video conferencing has become a frequent daily activity for most of us. There are many hosted solutions available in the market each with its own price tags. Although the prices are going down and the new features are being added yet at the end of the day you are always concerned about your monthly bill. Especially when you are building a solution where your clients consume your products along with the video conferencing capabilities. Integrating an external video conferencing solution for your own business has its own monetary challenges and may not be a viable solution during the initial phases of your product.

Thinking About Owning

That makes you think about creating your own video conferencing solution. You might probably be looking for open source technology that has been hardened by the community. You would need a web front end and a solid conferencing server running on a low latency cloud platform. One such open-source technology that has proven itself is known as OpenVidu (check for the full features). Now you need a web front end that can be built with minimal cost and low development resources. You want to build your front end as quickly as possible where users can create their accounts, create meetings, schedule meetings, look at their recorded meetings, invite others to join the meetings, and create different types of meeting rooms for example classrooms or seminars.

Built with Best-In-Class

Google Cloud Platform is one of the best low latency clouds which is suitable for hosting video conferences. The resources on Google cloud are also cheap in comparison to the other major cloud hosting providers. Google cloud platform provides AI-enabled speech-to-text services which are instrumental in creating the transcripts of meeting recordings in various languages. Trillo video conferencing solution provides DevOps services to host OpenVidu farm cluster in Google Cloud which customers integrate within their application. One such customer is

Your Video Conferencing Application

If you are interested in having us build the OpenVidu cloud farm solution at a very low cost then contact us at

Check out our other solutions on the GCP marketplace (

