Heather - SarahLovesSparkles Sister
Trimester Talk
Published in
5 min readFeb 27, 2021


Nyssa Brand Packaging and Products— Photo Credit: Heather Spears

Who thinks of a great gift for new moms when there are so many cute items for the newborn baby on the shelf? When the world hears a baby is on its way we all think of the cooing, cute face, soft skin, and gentle care they bring. It’s rare that anyone thinks of the new mother first when in reality, she needs special care too.

I am going to be an Aunt for the first time. The most important person in the world to me has always been my sister. Now that she’s carrying a baby, I joke with her about how that is about to change. But there are few bonds as strong as sisterly love. That’s one thing that will always be constant in my life.

Watching her grow as a first-time mom has been interesting from an outside perspective. I see how things affect her in a different way now than ever before. The anxiety, the hopes, troubles, and the happiness are all different from an outside perspective. The one thing that I didn’t expect was the pains and discomforts she faces on a daily basis. I was quick to learn that the excitement of a brand new baby is a lot more delightful for someone who doesn’t have to feel the drawbacks of ache, pains, nausea, and discomfort like the expectant mom does.

That idea leads me to start seeking ways to make my sister as comfortable as she could be. One of the most impressive brands that fell into my lab while thinking of her is Nyssa. Their idea and unique approach about bringing new mothers comfort during their most tender time; just after the baby is born, is nothing sort of impressive.

Nyssa — The Perfect Gift for New Moms

Nyssa Brand Packaging — Photo Credit: Heather Spears

Nyssa is a brand that supports women and encourages real talk on what happens after the baby is born; the 4th trimester. While the new mom is whipped up in a whirlwind of new tasks one thing remains constant; her will to be a part of who she’s always been. I’m noticing a lot of talk from my sister about wanting to get back to being herself along with welcoming this new addition to the world. That is not something that I take lightly and neither does Nyssa.

The brand brings light to the real world of what happens in the first few months after having a baby. It’s a special time where your body goes through so much transformation that your very existence is crazier than ever. It’s a time so extraordinary and underrated that we as a society often fail to acknowledge that new moms need support then more than ever.

Nyssa isn’t afraid to publicize this time. They present the solution for support with a fabulous variety of products perfect for new moms. Their products rewrite the way we think about the changes a new mom faces with chic OBGYN approved apparel and underwear. From underwear with options of ice or heat to everyday leggings fit to provide perfect comfort in desperate times. This is the way to show the new mom in your life that she matters and her comfort is important.

The FourthWear Underwear and Nyssa Ice/Heat Pack

Nyssa Brand Underwear and Ice/Heath Pack — Photo Credit: Heather Spears

The products I received are the Forthwear Underwear and Nyssa Ice/Heat Pack. They offer a bundle on their website of this dynamic duo that helps ease the recovery process of the time after giving birth. It is the perfect starter set out of their products for new moms looking for comfort in their active lives.

One of my favorite parts of the Fourthwear underwear is the stretch. Stretch is important for the body’s transformation when expecting as well as the time after the baby is born. This is the perfect way to maintain comfort while leaving the product adaptable for the persons changing body. The underwear comes with a front outer pocket to insert the bundle ice/heat pack for easy insert or removal.

The ice/heat pack that comes with the set is the perfect way to bring much-needed comfort. Both cool and warm properties have lasting effects on comfort when healing from injury or experiencing the newness of this time. Ice is known for being a big help with pain relief and the reduction of swelling. The heat helps aid in post-birth pains. Both are useful in the pursuit of comfort and normalcy for new mothers. And you can’t forget about necessary for the busy days with the new baby!

Talk about a great gift for new moms. Providing comfort when she most needs it is caring beyond where our thoughts usually take us.

Other Benefits of the Nyssa Brand

Nyssa Brand Women-Owned Business Package — Photo Credit: Heather Spears

While I know this product is perfect for my sister as an expectant new mom, it’s also a step in the right direction for women. The brand was founded by women with supportive ideas in helping other women. I feel like the simple way of speaking openly about topics like this helps bring real aid, comfort, and acknowledgment to ways to improve our lives. In the past topics like this seem taboo while as now we can use the information and aid to improve our lives. No more whispering what happens under our breath but being proud to own a product that’s not afraid to allow us to be ourselves. It’s a solution to a problem much bigger than the individuals who face the pain and discomfort which it solves.

It is also important to note that Nyssa products go far beyond the help of getting a gift for new moms. It also helps others who are experiencing period pain, fertility, endometriosis, surgery, and more. These products can help a number of different discomforts and present new opportunities to withstand the troubles we continue to understand.



Heather - SarahLovesSparkles Sister
Trimester Talk

I am a dedicated sister and aunt who navigates the world through family, creative living, and social media. I write for SarahLovesSparkles.