BBOXX making a dent in Rwanda

One of the benefits of living in Nairobi was the close proximity to the solar companies that we lend money to. I guess you could say that I literally got the chance to follow my investments (yes, I don’t only work at TRINE but invest as well - especially after the launch of the Investment Protection for several loans).

Trine Blog
4 min readJul 31, 2018


Me and the fantastic Retail Supervisor Emmanuel

Where it began

In February I went to Rwanda and I wouldn’t have been me if I didn’t try to catch up with our most recent partner at the time, BBOXX.

At this time I didn’t know too much about them, at least not as much as I know now. But as soon as we signed with BBOXX we knew we were doing something completely new for us. This was a truly global company (over 450 employees across the world), with expansion plans that matched ours and already a proven track record. Exciting - and a true challenge!

When you spend your days talking with potential new investors and existing ones, I cannot stress enough the importance of deep knowledge of the market. I wanted to be something of an expert in the companies we finance and what factors are important for a successful investment in off-grid solar.

What do customers really want?

Visiting BBOXX gave me a newfound understanding and admiration for the amazing work they, and other companies in this sector, do. I started by visiting their combined HQ and country office for Rwanda in Kigali. It’s an impressive building, but what is even more impressive is the work that’s going on there. BBOXX is a truly data-driven company and that means that programmers share offices with field managers and financial analysts. When you’re a company that distributes solar home systems in far off remote areas, it’s essential to know where your product is at any given time. Not only are you aware if something goes wrong with the product, you also understand how your customers use the product. Data is key in getting information on how the customers utilise it and what you as a company can do to improve the experience and meet the real needs of your customers. This is exactly what is being done at BBOXX HQ/country office.


In Rwanda, BBOXX’s presence is almost impossible to miss. This is where the company started their operations and if you travel outside Kigali there is a big chance you will run into one of their sales agents, local shops, technicians or someone with a BBOXX Solar Home System on their roof. So, how does it really work when a system goes from Kigali to a customer on the countryside?

BBOXX’s repair centre in Kigali, Rwanda

Well, it’s a long process but possible with an extremely well-oiled machine. The systems first comes to a big warehouse in Kigali, where BBOXX performs quality-checks on all their systems before they get deployed. They also have a huge repair centre here where they make sure that the life-time of the system is maximised for as long as possible - yet another step in achieving full sustainability, avoiding graveyards of broken solar systems around the country.

After this they have deliveries of solar systems each week for the local shops across the country. The Regional Managers make sure to plan and coordinate so shops in their area are always stocked up - perhaps one of the most challenging (and fun) parts of this business. Demand is high, putting pressure on the supply side to keep up as more and more people become interested in replacing their fossil fuel use to solar energy, providing reliable electricity for years to come. When the products arrive at the local shops they are marked up and categorised, to make it as swift as possible for the sales agents and technicians when it’s time to install the system.

BBOXX shop in Nyamata, Rwanda

The solar revolution

If there’s one thing that can summarise the BBOXX employees I met, it would be creativeness and patience. In addition to this I saw a passion among most of the people that was impossible to not be smitten by - No matter if it was customers or employees they all talked about how the impact of solar would change Rwanda. It kind of makes sense that BBOXX talks about “driving the solar revolution” - because that is exactly what they do.

Rwanda is one of the fastest growing markets for off-grid solar energy with governmental support for the work of BBOXX and similar companies. I’m pretty sure BBOXX will continue to bring affordable, clean energy to the countryside of Rwanda and if their aim of electrifying 25% of the country to 2020 is any indicator there’s a bright future ahead!

/ Hanna

P.S. This is also why I’m extra excited about our fourth loan to BBOXX - this time for their operations in Rwanda!



Trine Blog

We make it easy for people to invest in solar energy in growing markets. Our mission is to give a triple return, social, environmental and financial.