More than an investment in solar

How an impact assessment from UNDP shows that investing through TRINE is contributing to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Trine Blog
3 min readJun 27, 2018


We’ve often talked about the different ways solar energy is impacting people and benefits to the planet. So when we got the opportunity to get the impact of a TRINE investment assessed by the United Nations Development Programme it was a no-brainer! Finally we could have our impact verified by another organisation, and not just any organisation — possibly the most respected organisation in this field.

UNDP visited one of our partners, BBOXX Kenya, and for the first time used their Climate Action Impact Tool to assess the impact of a TRINE investment against the 2030 SDG’s. This is a world first and it’s with us!

The 10 Sustainable Development Goals that investments in off-grid solar contribute to.

The main takeaway from UNDP’s report is that investing in off-grid solar does much more than enable access to clean and affordable energy (SDG #7). These investments are impacting 10 of the 17 global goals for sustainable development.

You can read the full report to find out exactly what the UNDP had to say about each of these goals but we wanted to highlight some that we think are very important. We know that investments are providing hundred’s of thousands of people with electricity, people that other wise would not have had this opportunity. We also know that we’re contributing to SDG #13 (Climate Action), as we can calculate the avoided carbon emissions as more and more people stop burning fossil fuels. But what about the less tangible impact, the things we hear every time we go to visit solar customers but don’t always have solid data behind? That is what’s really exciting to have validated by an organisation like UNDP.

SDG #1 Reduction of poverty

Access to electricity reduces poverty in so many ways. Not only is solar energy often cheaper than the fossil fuel alternatives, it also allows longer working hours for businesses, means that children can study for longer and gives more hours in the day for people to do their housework. This is also the first time many people have been given access to credit. The pay-as-you-go payment plans means that people have to budget and plan financially, whereas before they spend the money they have for that day. All of these things combined encourages the poverty cycle to be broken.

SDG #4 Quality education

For countries lying near or on the equator, days are never that long with the sun setting around 6.30pm. For children and young adults that need to study at home, this means there a few hours in the day with good light and kerosene lamps give too many fumes to provide a good working atmosphere. This is where solar home systems are fantastic, providing quality lighting throughout the evening. Around two out of five users of the BBOXX system are school aged children, so around 60,000 children have access to quality light at home. Imagine the potential change in their future lives if they can learn well and finish school.

SDG #5 Gender Equality

Access to electricity has shown to have a major impact on gender equality. In households that are reliant on traditional fuels such as kerosene, charcoal etc women are spending a significant amount of their time each day to ensure the family have what they need for lighting and cooking. They are also the ones most exposed to the toxic fumes from the fossil fuels. The work of BBOXX is improving gender equality in the local communities while also increasing the number of female employees in the renewable energy sector.

These are just three out of the ten goals that investing with TRINE contributes to. Thank you to the UNDP for choosing to do this collaboration with us, it’s so exciting to see the real impact of what we do!

/ Sara
Content Manager TRINE



Trine Blog

We make it easy for people to invest in solar energy in growing markets. Our mission is to give a triple return, social, environmental and financial.