About Blockchain Games, David at NIFTY

Trinity Protocol
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2018

Jul. 25th, HK @NIFTY, David briefed the game landscape of China and the first possible application for Trinity Network.

Since the outbreak of CryptoKitties last year, the interests rose with a large number of trials released by both traditional internet companies and blockchain startups.

Three out of BATX (Baidu, NetEase, Tencent and Xiaomi) have all attempted to develop their own “Blockchain games”. However, the outcome did not seem as pleasing as people thought. David listed several of them, such as CryptoPuppies and DUYUZHOU from Baidu, NetEase Planet, and Let’s Hunt Monsters from Tencent. But none of them disclosed which underlying platform they use or to be used.

The primary objectives seem to be promoting their traditional finance services or simply tests of the market. Their hesitant to put in more resources and inclination to the existing profitable products make the games counterfeit as blockchain products.

Comparatively, blockchain startups are clear about their goals, with most projects built on Ethereum, except the Cell Evolution using Nebulas. A clear mind on how blockchain or ICO works make these early doers quickly adopt token economy and implement smart contracts. However, hasty production leave the content and game quality far from the expectations.

The path for both, proposed by David Li, will be the blockchain-based economic system that have real-world implications. As was revealed on Trinity initial roadmap, a pilot project known as World of Blockchain will be the first testbed for Trinity state channels. The game will take players to a virtual business battle of blockchain and Trinity state channel will process intensive micro transactions in the game and enable a gamer-friendly environment.

The NIFTY trip has manifested the determination of the Trinity team, and the continuous effort to build the ecosystem. Trinity is beyond a scaling protocol. “Sure its the most obvious application, but integrating it into an actual market place (Gaming) or as a critical infrastructure piece for a variety of wallets (aka InWe, Trinity or even something like WeChat) is unique for its own geography and demographic. Being cross-chain lends itself to being the most obvious supporting protocol for its own DEX, supporting others (like a Switcheo) or bigger dreams like Binance DEX.”, quote from a Nick, a contributor for Trinity Ecosystem. And he is right. Trinity is taking its first step forward to build this ecosystem for all.

