Announcement on Distribution of Trinity Lock-up Rewards

Trinity Protocol
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2019

Dear Trinity community,

Trinity’s Lock-up& Reward Program, which was launched on April 15, 2018 (UTC +8, Beijing), will end on January 15, 2019(UTC +8, Beijing), when the Trinity team will unlock all TNCs and distribute rewards as promised.

According to the lock-up program and records, the Lock-up and Reward Program started at the block height of 2145188 (the block included).

Any member of the community who has participated in the lock-up and reward program of Trinity can search his own corresponding information through the NEO address, which the Tokens transferred from.

The first 5,000,000 transfers (with 10% reward) finished at the block height of 2145202 (the block included).

The 5,000,000th to 15,000,000th transfers (with 7.5% reward) finished at the block height of 2146999, including a transfer of 500,000 in which 100,000 belonged to the 7.5% reward category and the rest 400,000 fell into the next reward category.

The 15,000,000th to 35,000,000th transfers (with 5% reward) finished at the block height of 2148616, including one transfers of 300,000 in which 120,000 belonged to the 5% reward category and the rest 180,000 will be returned.

The Trinity team will distribute all TNCs (rewards included) from the address of ARSFWYqHZAqGhxu1noqH9YjS3tHaiwXfya to 194 valid addresses at one time at 12:00 noon (GMT+8) on Jan 15th.

We want to once again thank the Trinity community for your long-standing support and trust. We will continue to work hard to expand the application of state channels with the community.

Trinity Foundation

January 14, 2019

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