Trinity at WDAS in Singapore with Other Star Projects

Trinity Protocol
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2018

Trinity foundation was invited to World Digital Assets Summit held by FBG Capital on May 1 in Singapore. Trinity founder Li Yiling attended the summit.

FBG Capital(Fintech Blockchain Group), a blockchain and digital assets investment company based in Singapore, aims to become the Silicon Valley in the blockchain space by attracting outstanding blockchain projects and investors around the globe.

The best blockchain projects, developers, and investors gathered at the summit to discuss Tokenomics and its impact on traditional economy.

On the first day of the summit, Trinity founder Li Yiling shared his thoughts on blockchain games which he thinks have the most promising future and market potential.

Li said, “Tokenomics of blockchain is such that UGC+NFT+Reward=an everlasting game where players and developers agree on their interests.

In Tokenomics of blockchain, there are three possible ways to design assets:

1. NFT assets with life cycle/profit property

2. Tokens with input of profit

3. Soft currency that meets the demand of games

He then went on to explain the cross-app/cross-chain economic model with MANA of Decentraland and LAND (an NFT asset) as examples. He also pointed out that the problem facing blockchain games is that developers cannot put all computing of NFT assets on centralized servers.

He then talked about the challenges to blockchain performance. If blockchain games are run on EOS, there will be latency; sharding of Zilliqa cannot support multi-types of transactions. The solution is to run the system on the background board and assign different proportions to centralization, state channels and onchain resources.

On the second day of the summit, Li was invited to a roundtable discussion on NFT assets where co-founder of Decentraland Ari Meilich, co-founder of Etheremon Jarvis Nguyen, Tianfang Li of Hydro Protocol, and CMO of WAX Brent Cohen were also present.

For starters, Ari Meilich of Decentraland explained what are NFT assets using the example of Cryptokitties which went viral last year. In the roundtable discussion, he said it is human nature to collect things. NFT assets are a paradise for collectors as users can not only collect skin, equipment, and monsters, but also make profits through NFT assets. NFT assets have transformed how we look at the gaming industry.

Li Yiling said people learn the true value of NFT assets because they are unique and indivisible assets with huge potential in the main market and cryptocurrency industry, with which users have full control.

In the future, apart from blockchain games, exchanges and wallets of NFT assets will be most valuable. For investors, it is important to look at how blockchain games are designed. Cryptokitties blazed new territory for blockchain games, but this year, more eye-catching blockchain games will come out.

At the end of the discussion, Li said the transmission capacity and speed of public chains falls behind in keeping records on-chain, thus causes high cost and slow transfer. However, using state channels technology, more information can be processed with higher efficiency in a more secure manner, without causing huge costs on-chain. State channels technology will provide an efficient computing solution.

The summit brought insights into Tokenomics to the participants. The focus of the blockchain ecosystem is to set open and transparent business rules so that value transfer can be made via technical tools of the era through decentralized network structure, decentralized consensus mechanism, outstanding product logic and ecosystem incentive mechanism.

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