Trinity for NEO-GUI Development

Trinity Protocol
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2019

The Trinity team has completed the architecture and deployment of layer-2 network in the past year. From the development based on Neo to the scaling solution based on Ethereum, Trinity has been committed to state channels and hit development milestones regularly. Since the middle of last year, the market has gradually cooled down, but Trinity’s research and development of the layer-2 network have not stopped. As the layer-1 network matures, Trinity will cooperate with Neo again and develop state channel networks further.

Trinity will start Neo-GUI development, integrate the layer-2 network of Trinity with Neo, and develop a full-node service combined with layer-1 and layer-2 networks.

Neo-GUI is the most popular, comprehensive, and stable full node of Neo. Neo-GUI wallet is also commonly used among users, carrying a large number of neo, gas and nep5-token transactions. Trinity will build a layer-2 network based on Neo-GUI and provide fast channels for micropayments, which relieves the pressure of the layer-1 network and achieves stable scaling. In addition, Trinity’s development based on Neo-GUI will be integrated in the future. Users don’t need to deploy full-node and the node of the layer-2 network separately. After the deployment, users can use layer-1 and layer-2 networks at the same time, which reduces deployment cost greatly. Trinity will also use the network topology of the Neo node and optimize the routing of the layer-2 network. During its cooperation with Neo in layer-2 network integration, Trinity will also provide layer-2 network API and dapp development toolset, upgrading Neo’s API and service system.

As a pioneer, Neo has become a mature public chain network. It boasts complete smart contracts and rich dapps. It also attaches importance to the development of the community and has a large global development community that provides support for Neo’s development, such as CoZ, NEL and NeoResearch. Furthermore, Neo has many activities for the community and gains rich experience in operation. With technology as the cornerstone, this cooperation with Trinity will go deeper and build the ecology and community together.

This partnership not only enables neo full-node users to automatically become trinity users, but also greatly lowers the entrance barrier for end users and developers. This is a concrete step towards mass adoption of blockchain technology. Trinity state channel will also help strengthen Neo 3.0 platform construction, which to become the first layer-2 integrated blockchain platform. With technology matures and adoption deepens, it will generate a network effect for using blockchain+state channel technologies.

Trinity’s Neo-gui development will officially start on March this year. Trinity encourages more community members to join in the Neo-gui development and build the technical community. We would like to extend sincere gratitude to all the fans that support Trinity.

Trinity Foundation

Feb 18th, 2019

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