Trinity Biweekly Report — Early July

Development Progress

Trinity Protocol
5 min readJul 17, 2018



Further optimization of the unified rpc package of NEO-full-nodes state channel;

Added subscription and distribution functions of monitoring messages of enhanced nodes;

Further optimization of spv wallet’s enhancements based on full nodes;

Added receiving payment code generation function of spv wallet;

Added receiving payment function of spv wallet;

Improving the full-node wallet;

Maintenance of the online deployed main net and testnet channels;

Completion of the development and basic functional testing of the Android spv wallet.


Added subscription and distribution functions of monitoring messages of enhanced ETH-nodes;

Implement and optimize the transaction management module;

Implement and optimize the channel management module;

Improve the Gateway’s support for ETH;

Provided state channel-based solutions for games.

Release of Trinity Wallet App

For the better experience of Trinity state channel, Trinity Wallet App was officially released on July 14th, 2018 (UTC+8).

Trinity Wallet App was officially released on July 14th, 2018 (UTC+8)

Introduction to Trinity Wallet App

The Trinity Wallet App is a state channel-based wallet app, with improved users experience and Trinity’s state channel functionalities. Trinity’s state channel technology enables high-speed and secure transaction through the “on-chain credit endorsement and off-chain transactions”.

User Guide of Trinity Wallet

This version of Trinity Wallet App includes transfer and receiving functions based on state channel.

Add a channel in Trinity Wallet

Users can transfer off-chain through established channels by accessing nodes, while the traditional on-chain transfer function is retained.(official web:


Liu Yuan, Trinity product manager, was invited to participate in the “Blockchain China Trip” salon sponsored by White Coin on July 14th. Liu Yuan gave an speech themed “The Difficulties and Countermeasures of Blockchain Applications”.

Liu Yuan illustrated how Trinity’s state channel technology is implemented and why the use of state channel technology will guarantee the privacy of the content within the contract. He also pointed out that Trinity has high achievability in payment scenarios such as small micro payment and game payment.

Trinity Community


Q1: Compared with Bitcoin, Lightning Network on Ethereum or AE, what advantages does Trinity have in terms of Scalability, Speed and Transaction Fee? Some other projects have stepped in state channel technology. How can Trinity be imitated without being overtaken? In other words, how do you guarantee your survival with your own advantages?

A: Compared to Raiden and Aeternity, we provide a common state channel network for multiple bottom layer chains, which is quantitative advantage. Compared with Celer, our research and development progress is much faster, which is first-mover advantage. The way to stay cutting-edge is to feed nutrition from the open source community constantly. One thing that need to be point out is that we can’t compare with Aeternity, because it is a public chain. We can say Aeternity is equivalent to Ateam platform and its state channel part is equivalent to the game developed by Steam company. If Raiden is compared to PS4 exclusive game, then Trinity is an all-platform game. The Sino-US trade conflict has sparked some discussions about excessive intellectual property protection. In fact, the Western world has always had a similar voice. The prosperity of the open source community is some form of response, so there is no “plagiarism”, we will learn from the latest theoretical results of other new projects and are willing to share it with the entire blockchain community. There is a misunderstanding of traditional thinking, we are not a for-profit company, and there is no pressure for profit. We have collected a considerable amount of donations in compliance, which can sustain development for a long time and complete our our commitment to the community.

Q2: What is Trinity’s current layout for games? What further developments will be made in the gaming industry?

A: We will join another independent game company to launch the first blockchain game based on the Beta version of Trinity for Ethereum at the end of this month, and participate in Decentraland’s Nifty conference in Hong Kong to promote Trinity technology in the game field. For game development, with originality in particular, it will take a long time before the official launch. Other progress is not announced yet.

Q3: What kind of community activities will be there for Trinity and when?

A: Most of the community activities in the future will focus on the construction and promotion of the tech community, which will begin after the release of the Ethereum version.

Q4: Does the channel created have to use the TNAP(Trinity Network Access Point) at the store settlement? What is the transaction speed while the state channel is on?

A: Now trinity opens the web wallet function, which allows users to experience the Trinity’s state channel. TNAP is displayed on Trinity’s web browser. If the establishment of the channel uses the TNAP within the store, users directly connect to the state channel without fees; but if users pay through other TNAP channels, a routing fee will be charged. Correct transactions will be done in real time.

Q5: If the tokens are withdrawn and deposited on the nodes, how to ensure the security of the wallet?

A: The token is not placed on the node, but on the chain. The deposit paid by both parties of the channel is placed in a multisignature address, that is, the multi-signature of the private key of both parties. By using the multi-sig, both parties of the transaction cannot withdraw the assets arbitrarily. In addition, only the parties of the transaction can access the tokens in the smart contract of the off-chain payment channel, which means that the Trinity’s proof of asset is as binding as the main chain transaction. Once tokens on the main chain are frozen, other parties of the transaction produce proof of assets, and the they can conduct the off-chain transfer through the payment channel immediately and numerously. When the two parties complete the transaction, the assets can be transferred back to the main chain, and the balance change is registered on the main chain. The off-chain transaction do not have a record, that is, the information of transactions will not be broadcasted to the entire network, which is a protection of privacy.

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