Trinity Biweekly Report — Late August

Development Progress

Trinity Protocol
3 min readSep 1, 2018


August 16th — August 31st



Maintenance of the online deployed main net and testnet channels;

Fixed the out-sync issues of deployed main net nodes.


Deployment of the ETH-Trinity smart contract;

Completion of main net test;

Deployment of Trinity’s main net;

Completion of the development of the HTLC transaction;

Completion of the web wallet;

Completion of the experience store;

Completion of the test of the simple node deployment.


1. Provide technical support of minting tokens for partners;

2. Provide technical support of trading assets for partners;

3. Provide solutions for the application of blockchain copyrights.


Trinity began to focus on broader technical research in order to promote the further development of Trinity and explore the possibilities of off-chain scaling solution.

1. Study the dynamic nodes add/dele mechanism based on BTF consensus algorithm;

2. Study the privacy protection schemes applied in blockchains;

3. Study the application of state channels in blockchain-based authentication process;

4. Study the state machine of general state channels.

Trinity Community


Q1: What are the ROI calculations for running a node?

A1: The proportion of the node’s charging fee is set by the node holder. The return depends on the frequency of usage and the amount of charges.

Q2: Is the TNC routing algorithm optimized for shortest path or for path of least resistance. Or have they tried to balance the two? Its a bit of a comparison question between the different routing algorithms such as distributed balanced routing, flare and SpeedyMurmurs. David might say TNC will absorb what works best haha. But would be good to understand what is being used for now and how modular this may be.

A2: For the shortest path. Since the charges of the node is set by the node holder, the system cannot predict which path has the lowest charge. However, the user can choose which path to use according to his own needs.

Q3: About the fees. Is it that the node holder can set the fee rate, Or, is it that the fee rate and selection of node is not based on this, but based on the best possible route for the transaction to occur? Will the fees be automatically calculated and awarded …..or can the user can manually set their own node fee and hope it is reasonable enough not to get rejected by the network to process transactions. I would imagine an automated solution would have been the method of transaction processIng with regards to selection of nodes and fee setting. Having persons set their own fee makes things interesting….as to how does one set the best optimal fee so as to be selected on top of their nodes geo-location, hardware ,etc…

A3: The node’s charge fee is completely set by the node holders and can be calculated manually by users. Based on the above situation, stable operating conditions, reasonable rates, and shortest paths must be the key elements for users to select nodes.

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