Trinity Biweekly Report — Mid June

Trinity Protocol
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2018

Development Progress

(May 10th-June 14th)



Completed full-function web wallet client based on the state channel;

Completed instant payments state channel for streaming and video website;

Completed stability and reliability test of Trinity network;

Optimized inter-modular communication between the Gateway and the wallet;

Fixed bugs during tests;

Gateway on-line topology restoring optimization;

Adjusted htlc transaction forward logic;

Configured multi-assets state channel for Neo and add configuration file;

Developed and the tested deposit value range of the routing node on the Neo State Channel;

*Continue the deployment and test of the Trinity on Neo Mainnet;

*Continue fixing bugs during tests;

*Optimized cross-chain converter;

Optimized and restored Trinity official website;

Continue test and adjustment of wallet app client;

Optimized two-way perception of the Gateway Wallet state;

Optimized Gateway log system;

Completed developing enhanced Neo full nodes functionality;

Completed enhanced RPC Call Interface functionality.


Completed Trinity off-chain scaling for Ethereum Smart Contract;

Test and debug the Smart Contract;

Completed development and test of ETH group transaction tools based on the Etherum Smart Contract;

Completed developing light wallet functions;

*Completed the test on the state channel contract;

*Test and continue fixing the bugs on light wallet;

*Continue developing transaction management;

Researching on ERC721 contract and preparing for the development of the state channel gaming application.


(Please refer to previous articles)

1. Trinity Foundation Statement on NEP-5 Contract Storage Injection Vulnerability

2. ERC20-TNC Newly Listed on BCEX

3. Trinity’s Chinese Version “三一网络” is officially announced


1. David Li, founder of Trinity, attended 2018 Shanghai Makers–Blockchain Industry Innovation Forum at Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, sharing views on blockchain games and the game designs. He summarized several core features of blockchain game as a product, analyzed some gaming scenarios and unveiled the challenges this industry is facing as well as some possible solutions.

2. Trinity team attended the Finwise Summit at Tokyo on May 21 and 22, sharing the development and ideal of Trinity. The team also joined the lively discussion with excellent entrepreneurs, industrial experts and investment organizations on the prospect of blockchain application and fintech development, focusing the design and significace of cross-chain economy.

3. Trinity team attended Blockchain Game Economy Summit at Taipei on May 30. The team introduced their technical strength and objectives of Trinity in game applications and explained the uniqueness of Trinity to a wider range of audience.

4.Liu Yuan, Trinity Core developer and Product Director of Zhejiang Raistone Technology Co.Ltd. attended Hyperledger ShangHai Meetup on June 2. Surrounding the topic on scalability, he compared the current scaling solutions and described key technical implementation of the Trinity Network.

Trinity Community


These questions are gathered from Trinity community.

Q1. How many nodes are needed to successfully run Trinity network? The total number of tokens is fixed, and every node needs around 10,000 TNC, so the maximum number of node will be set at around 100,000. But the plan is to sustain more Main Chains. Is that number of nodes sufficient?

A: The threshold is to incentivize routing nodes to provide sound and stable services. Routing nodes have to invest some real assets, even it is not much, before making revenue by charging fees for routing service. One routing channel, node pairs is required to deposit at least $800 worth of TNC at the current price. Thus, the number of nodes will vary as the amount a node pair would like to deposit.

Q2. One channel requires two establishing nodes. If I have one node established, how to find the corresponding one?

A: In actual use cases, we have more complicated issues. Trinity Network browser will list all the on-line nodes, from which you can chose one as a correspondent.

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