Arthesis Partnership Spotlight: Trinity Lab Acceleration Program

Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2022

Today, we are excited to be announcing the new Trinity Lab Acceleration Program participant.

ARTHESIS — international streaming (OTT) service for original content as well as NFT marketplace for trading of related content made by an initiative of a group of people interested in movies along with TV series and who are pursuing a goal to open up a world of original content for the whole world.

The way we understand the world around us is determined by the stories we tell

ARTHESIS mission

  • To extend the possibilities of talented contemporary directors, actors, video artists around the globe.
  • Demonstrate works of authorship to the general public in order to popularize original content and attract investors and visitors.
  • For viewers, this is first of all an opportunity to acquire unique impressions and experiences from talented authors or to start a journey of NFT collector and film investor.


  • The main goal is to create an international streaming (OTT) service for original content as well as NFT marketplace for trading of related content.
  • Owners of NFT content will be able to generate income from monetization on ARTHESIS platform.
  • The transaction can be carried out directly through the auction or collectively.

“Our mission is to develope a new film distribution model based on investments and fair contribution rewards.
Every filmmaker will be provided with an opportunity to build a long-term career no matter where they live.
Each viewer will be able to become NFT collector and film industry investor, who decides what he wants to watch.
ARTHESIS is a place where people work together to tell the stories.”
Yuriy Novak, CEO


Original content

  • Short movies, art installations, music videos and others
  • Collectible photos and movies’ shots


  • Availability on all devices

Natural moderation & loyalty program

  • Users act as moderators and critics (DAO)
  • Users NFT achievements

NFT marketplace

  • Video content ownership proof with NFT
  • Subscriptions and ad views is shared among the NFT owners


We will help authors out to raise money for the filming of a promising film or TV series

Art investment

Anyone can become a film producer. It is enough to buy NFT token of the work or participate in investment of a movie

Trinity Acceleration Program is focused on the support of the projects built on top of Enecuum Network. The projects successfully applied for the program will receive investments from TRINITY LAB and its investment partners as well as marketing, business development, and technical support.

UVECON.VC is a Hong Kong-based venture studio, investment, and consulting firm, focused on emerging industries, such as blockchain, AI, FinTech, AR, E-commerce.

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